huddle landing page

huddle landing page using HTML & Css (using services of the preprocessor SASS).


I/ About

This repository is the source code for building huddle landing page using HTML & Css (using services of the preprocessor SASS).

Please help this repo with a ⭐️ if you find it useful! 😁

II/ Screenshots

1- Desktop Design


2- Mobile Design


III/ Brief

For this project, i had a challenge to build out this landing page from the designs provided previously. To complete this project i used VsCode (Virtual Studio Code), i coded the content using HTML(HyperText Markup Language) then i styled the page using SASS preprocessor (SCSS syntax), and i used Live Sass Complier provided by Virtual Studio Code as a live compiler for my Scss code.

IV/ Disclaimer

This project is a just nice simple website to help me out understanding some fundamental concepts in CSS preprocessor & in order to help me to improve my coding skills. Contact me if you have any recommandations

Thanks for checking. ❤️