
Cross-platform, high-throughput computing utility for processing shell commands over a distributed, asynchronous queue.


HyperShell v2: Distributed Task Execution for HPC

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HyperShell is an elegant, cross-platform, high-throughput computing utility for
processing shell commands over a distributed, asynchronous queue. It is a highly
scalable workflow automation tool for many-task scenarios.

Built on Python and tested on Linux, macOS, and Windows.

Several tools offer similar functionality but not all together in a single tool with
the user ergonomics we provide. Novel design elements include but are not limited to

  • Cross-platform: run on any platform where Python runs. In fact, the server and
    client can run on different platforms in the same cluster.
  • Client-server: workloads do not need to be monolithic. Run the server as a
    stand-alone service with SQLite or Postgres as a persistent database and dynamically
    scale clients as needed.
  • Staggered launch: At the largest scales (1000s of nodes, 100k+ of workers),
    the launch process can be challenging. Come up gradually to balance the workload.
  • Database in-the-loop: run in-memory for quick, ad-hoc workloads. Otherwise,
    include a database for persistence, recovery when restarting, and search.


Documentation is available at hypershell.readthedocs.io <https://hypershell.readthedocs.io>_.
For basic usage information on the command line use: hs --help. For a more
comprehensive usage guide on the command line you can view the manual page with
man hs.


Contributions are welcome. If you find bugs or have questions, open an Issue here.
We’ve added a Code of Conduct recently, adapted from the
Contributor Covenant <https://www.contributor-covenant.org/>_, version 2.0.


If HyperShell has helped in your research please consider citing us.

… code-block:: bibtex

    author = {Lentner, Geoffrey and Gorenstein, Lev},
    title = {HyperShell v2: Distributed Task Execution for HPC},
    year = {2022},
    isbn = {9781450391610},
    publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
    url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3491418.3535138},
    doi = {10.1145/3491418.3535138},
    booktitle = {Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing},
    articleno = {80},
    numpages = {3},
    series = {PEARC '22}