
An image processing worker for IronWorker that you can use to do all sorts of image processing... at scale.


Image Processing Docker Worker for IronWorker

An image processing Docker image for use on IronWorker to process images.

Setup your Iron account (if you don’t have one yet)

First off, you need an account, if you don’t have one go sign up for a free account.

Second, you need to have your Iron credentials setup and the
iron CLI tool installed.

Third, copy payload_example.json to payload.json and fill in your AWS credentials.

Now you can get cracking!


NOTE: Replace treeder everywhere below with your Docker Hub username.

The payload for this worker defines the image operations you’d like to perform and where to store the results. See payload_example.json for an example.

Test / build

1. Vendor dependencies

docker run --rm -v "$PWD":/worker -w /worker iron/ruby:dev bundle install --standalone --clean

2. Test with a single image

docker run --rm -it -e "PAYLOAD_FILE=payload.json" -v "$PWD":/worker -w /worker treeder/ruby-imagemagick ruby image_processor.rb

3. Build Docker image

docker build -t treeder/image_processor:0.0.1 .

NOTE: Everytime you change your worker code, be sure to change the version 0.0.1 in the build command and all the rest of the Docker commands.

4. Test Docker image with a single image

docker run --rm -it -e "PAYLOAD_FILE=payload.json" -v "$PWD":/worker -w /worker treeder/image_processor:0.0.1

5. Push to Docker Hub

docker push treeder/image_processor:0.0.1

Run a single task on IronWorker

Now that we have our Micro Worker built as an image and it’s up on Docker Hub,
we can start using that to process massive amounts of images.

First, w need to tell IronWorker about the image we just made:

iron register treeder/image_processor:0.0.1

Then we can just start queuing tasks! The following is just a quick way to test
a single task:

iron worker queue --payload-file payload.json --wait treeder/image_processor

In normal use, you’ll be queuing up tasks in your code via the API, for example, here’s
the curl command to queue up a task.

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: OAuth $IRON_TOKEN" \
 -d '{"tasks":[{"code_name":"treeder/image_processor"}]}' \

Now go look at HUD to see the task and the log.

Run a ton of tasks on IronWorker!

Now let’s batch up ALL the images.

docker run --rm -it -e "PAYLOAD_FILE=payload.json" -e IRON_TOKEN -e IRON_PROJECT_ID -v "$PWD":/worker -w /worker iron/ruby ruby batch.rb

Boom, that will queue up almost 1000 images and they will all be processed in parallel
and put into your s3 bucket in a matter of seconds.

Of course you can now Dockerize the batch.rb script, register that with
then schedule it.