
:nut_and_bolt: A relentless key-value store for the browser.




ImmortalDB is a resilient key-value store for the browser.

ImmortalDB is the best way to store persistent key-value data in the
browser. Data saved to ImmortalDB is redundantly stored in
IndexedDB, and
and relentlessly self heals if any data therein is deleted or corrupted.

For example, clearing cookies is a common user action, even for non-technical
users. And browsers unceremoniously
IndexedDB, LocalStorage, and/or SessionStorage without warning under storage

ImmortalDB is resilient in the face of such events.

In this way, ImmortalDB is like
Evercookie, but

  1. Is actively maintained and well documented.

  2. Provides a simple, modern, Promise-based API.

  3. Strikes an equitable balance between reliability and respect for the
    user. Data is stored reliably but can also be voluntarily purged if the
    user designedly clears cookies and application storage.

  4. Doesn’t use nefarious exploits nor deprecated third party plugins like
    Flash, Silverlight, or Java. Only standard, ratified HTML5 APIs are used.

  5. Doesn’t vandalize performance or the user experience. For example,
    Evercookie’s CSS History Knocking can beget a deluge of background HTTP
    requests, and loading Silverlight or Flash can raise unsought permission
    modals or thrash the user’s disk.

How ImmortalDB works.

When you store a key-value pair in ImmortalDB, that key and value are
saved redundantly in the browser’s cookies, IndexedDB, and LocalStorage
data stores.

When a value is retrieved via its key, ImmortalDB

  1. Looks up that key in every data store.
  2. Counts each unique returned value.
  3. Determines the most commonly returned unique value as the ‘correct’ value.
  4. Returns this correct value.

Then ImmortalDB self-heals: if any data store(s) returned a value different than
the determined correct value, or no value at all, the correct value is rewritten
to that store. In this way, consensus, reliability, and redundancy is



ImmortalDB’s API is simple. To store a value, use set(key, value):

import { ImmortalDB } from 'immortal-db'

await ImmortalDB.set('key', 'value')

key and value must be
ImmortalDB.set(key, value) also always returns value, so it can be chained or
embedded, like

const countPlusOne = (await ImmortalDB.set('count', numberOfClowns)) + 1


To retrieve a value, use get(key, default=null):

const value = await ImmortalDB.get('key', default=null)

get() returns the value associated with key, if key exists. If key
doesn’t exist, default is returned. key must be a


Finally, to remove a key, use remove(key):

ImmortalDB.set('hi', 'bonjour')
console.log(await ImmortalDB.get('hi'))  // Prints 'bonjour'.

await ImmortalDB.remove('hi')

console.log(await ImmortalDB.get('hi'))  // Prints 'null'.

key must be a

Data Stores

The data stores that ImmortalDB stores data in can also be configured.
For example, this is how to store data reliably in cookies and
LocalStorage only:

import { ImmortalStorage, CookieStore, LocalStorageStore } from 'immortal-db'

const stores = [await CookieStore(), await LocalStorageStore()]
const db = new ImmortalStorage(stores)

await db.set(key, JSON.stringify({1:1}))

By default, stores used by ImmortalDB are:

  • CookieStore -> Keys and values are stored in document.cookie.
  • IndexedDbStore -> Keys and values are stored in window.indexedDB.
  • LocalStorageStore -> Keys and values are stored in window.localStorage.

Other, optional stores are:

  • SessionStorageStore -> Keys and values are stored in window.sessionStorage.

New storage implementations can easily be added, too; they need only
implement the async methods get(key, default), set(key, value), and


Installing ImmortalDB with npm is easy.

$ npm install immortal-db

Or include dist/immortal-db[.min].js and use window.ImmortalDB directly.

    <script src="immortal-db.min.js"></script>
      ;(async () => {
        const db = ImmortalDB.ImmortalDB
        await db.set('hi', 'lolsup')



To test ImmortalDB, run

npm run start

This starts a webpack dev server and opens
ImmortalDB’s testing website,

Once tested, to produce new production-ready files immortal-db.js and
immortal-db.min.js in dist/, run

npm run build