
A multilingual inflector that transforms words from singular to plural, underscore to camel case, and formats strings in various ways.



Code Coverage

A multilingual inflector that transforms words from singular to plural, underscore to camel case,
and formats strings in various ways. Inflections are localized, the default English inflections for
pluralization, singularization, and uncountable words are kept in lib/Inflections/en.php.

Inflections are currently available for the following languages:

  • English (en)
  • French (fr)
  • Norwegian Bokmal (nb)
  • Portuguese (pt)
  • Spanish (es)
  • Turkish (tr)


composer require icanboogie/inflector


These are some examples of the inflector with the en locale (default).


use ICanBoogie\Inflector;

$inflector = Inflector::get(Inflector::DEFAULT_LOCALE);
# or
$inflector = Inflector::get('en');
# or
$inflector = Inflector::get();

# pluralize

$inflector->pluralize('post');                       // "posts"
$inflector->pluralize('child');                      // "children"
$inflector->pluralize('sheep');                      // "sheep"
$inflector->pluralize('words');                      // "words"
$inflector->pluralize('CamelChild');                 // "CamelChildren"

# singularize

$inflector->singularize('posts');                    // "post"
$inflector->singularize('children');                 // "child"
$inflector->singularize('sheep');                    // "sheep"
$inflector->singularize('word');                     // "word"
$inflector->singularize('CamelChildren');            // "CamelChild"

# camelize

$inflector->camelize('active_model', Inflector::UPCASE_FIRST_LETTER);
# or
// 'ActiveModel'

$inflector->camelize('active_model', Inflector::DOWNCASE_FIRST_LETTER);
// 'activeModel'

// 'ActiveModel\Errors'

$inflector->camelize('active_model/errors', Inflector::DOWNCASE_FIRST_LETTER);
// 'activeModel\Errors'

# underscore

$inflector->underscore('ActiveModel');               // 'active_model'
$inflector->underscore('ActiveModel\Errors');        // 'active_model/errors'
$inflector->underscore('Less Active Phrase');        // 'less_active_phrase'
$inflector->underscore('Number 1 Test');             // 'number_1_test'
$inflector->underscore('Johnny5 Still Alive');       // 'johnny5_still_alive'
$inflector->underscore('Lots   of   Spaces');        // 'lots_of_spaces'

# humanize

$inflector->humanize('employee_salary');             // "Employee salary"
$inflector->humanize('author_id');                   // "Author"

# titleize

$inflector->titleize('man from the boondocks');      // "Man From The Boondocks"
$inflector->titleize('x-men: the last stand');       // "X Men: The Last Stand"
$inflector->titleize('TheManWithoutAPast');          // "The Man Without A Past"
$inflector->titleize('raiders_of_the_lost_ark');     // "Raiders Of The Lost Ark"

# ordinal

$inflector->ordinal(1);                              // "st"
$inflector->ordinal(2);                              // "nd"
$inflector->ordinal(1002);                           // "nd"
$inflector->ordinal(1003);                           // "rd"
$inflector->ordinal(-11);                            // "th"
$inflector->ordinal(-1021);                          // "st"

# ordinalize

$inflector->ordinalize(1);                           // "1st"
$inflector->ordinalize(2);                           // "2nd"
$inflector->ordinalize(1002);                        // "1002nd"
$inflector->ordinalize(1003);                        // "1003rd"
$inflector->ordinalize(-11);                         // "-11th"
$inflector->ordinalize(-1021);                       // "-1021st"

# uncountable

$inflector->is_uncountable("advice");                // true
$inflector->is_uncountable("weather");               // true
$inflector->is_uncountable("cat");                   // false

Static interfaces are also available:


namespace ICanBoogie;

# Static inflector
echo StaticInflector::pluralize('child');            // "children"
echo StaticInflector::pluralize('genou', 'fr');      // "genoux"
echo StaticInflector::singularize('lærere', 'nb');   // "lærer"
echo StaticInflector::pluralize('üçgen', 'tr');      // "üçgenler"

# Helper functions
echo pluralize('child');                             // "children"
echo pluralize('genou', 'fr');                       // "genoux"
echo singularize('lærere', 'nb');                    // "lærer"
echo pluralize('üçgen', 'tr');                       // "üçgenler"

Since v3.0 the file with the helper functions is no longer included in the
You need to include the file vendor/icanboogie/inflector/lib/helpers.php
in your composer.json if you want to continue using these functions.

About inflections

Inflections are localized, the configurators are kept in lib/Inflections/.

Since v2.1, these configurators are autoloaded classes, which means, in theory, you could add your
own or overwrite those already defined by specifying another ICanBoogie\\Inflections\\ in your
composer.json file.


Most of the code and documentation was adapted from Ruby On Rails’s
Inflector and
David Celisinflections.

Significant differences:

  • Better support of accented characters.
  • The Ruby module separator :: as been replaced by the PHP namespace separator \.
  • The plural of “octopus” is “octopuses” (not “octopi”), the plural of “virus” is “viruses”
    (not viri), and the plural of “cow” is “cows” (not “kine”).
  • The following methods have been removed: tableize, classify, demodulize,
    constantize, deconstantize and foreign_key. They can be easily implemented in specific inflectors.
  • Added the hyphenate method, which is a combination of underscore and dasherize.
  • One specifies true rather than false to camelize() to downcase the first letter of the camel-cased string.

Getting started

Inflector expects to work in UTF-8, which is the default encoding character set starting
PHP 5.6, if your configuration is different, use mb_internal_encoding() as follows:


namespace ICanBoogie;

// …


titleize("été_aux_âmes_inouïes"); // Été Aux Âmes Inouïes

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The project is continuously tested by GitHub actions.

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this project and its community, you’re expected to uphold this code.


See CONTRIBUTING for details.