:thinking: JVM Introspection Utilities
JVM Introspection Utilities
Initially based on https://github.com/apangin/helfy.
This library has two main features:
Also, with the tools provided here, you can inspect pretty much any internal JVM object.
We tested it on Linux, in OpenJDK versions 8 to 13, but it should work well in other systems.
No guarantee, though.
Introspective is available through Maven Central repository, just add the following
dependency to your pom.xml
Map<Object, Object> test = new HashMap<>();
test.put(111, Arrays.asList("aaa", 222));
test.put(333.0, Collections.singletonMap("bbb", 444));
ObjectSizer sizer = new ObjectSizer();
while (sizer.moveNext()) {
System.out.println(sizer.bytes() + " bytes: " + sizer.path());
System.out.println(" class: " + sizer.type());
System.out.println(" value: " + sizer.current());
The output for the snippet above will be:
48 bytes:
class: class java.util.HashMap
value: {333.0={bbb=444}, 111=[aaa, 222]}
80 bytes: .table
class: class [Ljava.util.HashMap$Node;
value: [Ljava.util.HashMap$Node;@e6ea0c6
32 bytes: .table[4]
class: class java.util.HashMap$Node
value: 333.0={bbb=444}
24 bytes: .table[4].key
class: class java.lang.Double
value: 333.0
40 bytes: .table[4].value
class: class java.util.Collections$SingletonMap
value: {bbb=444}
48 bytes: .table[4].value.k
class: class java.lang.String
value: bbb
16 bytes: .table[4].value.v
class: class java.lang.Integer
value: 444
16 bytes: .table[4].value.entrySet
class: class java.util.Collections$SingletonSet
value: [bbb=444]
24 bytes: .table[4].value.entrySet.element
class: class java.util.AbstractMap$SimpleImmutableEntry
value: bbb=444
32 bytes: .table[15]
class: class java.util.HashMap$Node
value: 111=[aaa, 222]
16 bytes: .table[15].key
class: class java.lang.Integer
value: 111
24 bytes: .table[15].value
class: class java.util.Arrays$ArrayList
value: [aaa, 222]
24 bytes: .table[15].value.a
class: class [Ljava.io.Serializable;
value: [Ljava.io.Serializable;@57fa26b7
48 bytes: .table[15].value.a[0]
class: class java.lang.String
value: aaa
16 bytes: .table[15].value.a[1]
class: class java.lang.Integer
value: 222
16 bytes: .entrySet
class: class java.util.HashMap$EntrySet
value: [333.0={bbb=444}, 111=[aaa, 222]]