Template iOS app using Clean Architecture and MVVM. Includes DIContainer, FlowCoordinator, DTO, Response Caching and one of the views in SwiftUI
iOS Project implemented with Clean Layered Architecture and MVVM. (Can be used as Template project by replacing item name “Movie”). More information in medium post: Medium Post about Clean Architecture + MVVM
Note: Domain Layer should not include anything from other layers(e.g Presentation — UIKit or SwiftUI or Data Layer — Mapping Codable)
If you would like to reuse Networking from this example project as repository I made it availabe here
This repository uses Storyboards (except one view written in SwiftUI). There is another similar repository but instead of using Storyboards, all Views are written in Code.
It also uses UITableViewDiffableDataSource:
To search a movie, write a name of a movie inside searchbar and hit search button. There are two network calls: request movies and request poster images. Every successful search query is stored persistently.