Twitter Image Pipeline is a robust and performant image loading and caching framework for iOS clients
The Twitter Image Pipeline is a streamlined framework for fetching and
storing images in an application. The high level concept is that all
requests to fetch or store an image go through an image pipeline which
encapsulates the work of checking the in memory caches and an on disk
cache before retrieving the image from over the network as well as
keeping the caches both up to date and pruned.
Twitter Image Pipeline came to fruition as numerous needs rose out of
Twitter for iOS use cases. The system for image loading prior to TIP was
fragile and inefficient with some severe edge cases. Designing a new
framework from the ground up to holistically approach the need for loading
images was the best route and led to TIP.
There are 3 separate caches for each image pipeline: the rendered in-memory cache,
the image data in-memory cache, and the on-disk cache. Entries in the caches are keyed by an image identifier
which is provided by the creator of the fetch request or automatically generated from the image fetch’s URL.
The image will simultaneously be loaded into memory (as raw bytes) and
written to the disk cache when retrieving from the Network. Partial images
will be persisted as well and not replace any completed images in the cache.
Once the image is either retrieved from any of the caches or the
network, the retrieved image will percolate back through the caches in its
various forms.
Caches will be configurable at a global level to have maximum size. This
maximum will be enforced across all image pipeline cache’s of the same kind,
and be maintained with the combination of time-to-live (TTL) expiration and
least-recently-used (LRU) purging. (This solves the long standing issue for
the Twitter iOS app of having an unbounded cache that could consume
Gigabytes of disk space).
The architecture behind the fetch operation is rather straightforward and
streamlined into a pipeline (hence, “image pipeline”).
When the request is made, the fetch operation will perform the following:
In addition to this simple progression, the fetch operation will offer the first matching
(based on image identifier) complete image in the In-Memory Cache or On-Disk Cache
(rendered and sized to the request’s specified target sizing) as a preview image when the URLs
don’t match. At that point, the fetch delegate can choose to just use the preview image or continue
with the Network loading the final image. This is particularly useful when the fetch image URL is
for a smaller image than the image in cache, no need to hit the network 😃
A great value that the image pipeline offers is the ability to stream progressive scans of an
image, if it is PJPEG, as the image is loaded from the Network. This progressive rendering is
natively supported by iOS 8+, the OS minimum for TIP is now iOS 10+.
Progressive support is opt-in and also configurable in how scans should load.
As already mentioned, by persisting the partial load of an image to the On-Disk Cache, we are able
to support resumable downloads. This requires no interface either, it’s just a part of how the
image pipeline works.
As of 2.20, the image pipeline will load the image from data to the specified target sizing of the fetch request,
which avoids the overhead of loading the entire image into a large bitmap just to scale it down to the correct size.
If the target sizing is larger than the image data, it will load that image bitmap and scale it up to the target sizing
specified by the fetch request. If a request does not provide target sizing (or the sizing indicates to not resize),
it will yield the full size image, as one would expect.
category for convenient pairing with a TIPImageViewFetchHelper
) with a delegate (TIPImageFetchDelegate
) or completion block (TIPImagePipelineFetchCompletionBlock
) to a desired pipeline. The operation can then be provided to that same pipeline to start the fetching. This two step approach is necessary to support both synchronous and asynchronous loading while incurring minimal burden on the developer.TIPImageFetchRequest
that executes the request and provides a handle to the operationTIPImageStoreRequest
will use TIPImageContainer
instances for callbacks, and the TIPImageFetchOperation
will maintain TIPImageFetchOperation
properties as it progresses.TIPImageViewFetchHelper
and UIImageView(TIPImageFetchable)
and UIView
for associating a TIPImageViewFetchHelper
The simplest way to use TIP is with the TIPImageViewHelper
For concrete coding samples, look at the TIP Sample App and TIP Swift Sample App (in Objective-C and Swift, respectively).
Here’s a simple example of using TIP with a UIViewController
that has an array of image views to
populate with images.
/* category on TIPImagePipeline */
+ (TIPImagePipeline *)my_imagePipeline
static TIPImagePipeline *sPipeline;
static dispatch_once_t sOnceToken;
dispatch_once(&sOnceToken, ^{
sPipeline = [[TIPImagePipeline alloc] initWithIdentifier:@""];
// support looking in legacy cache before hitting the network
sPipeline.additionalCaches = @[ [MyLegacyCache sharedInstance] ];
return sPipeline;
// ...
/* in a UIViewController */
- (void)viewDidLayoutSubviews
[super viewDidLayoutSubviews];
if (nil == self.view.window) {
// not visible
[_imageFetchOperations makeAllObjectsPerformSelector:@selector(cancelAndDiscardDelegate)];
[_imageFetchOperations removeAllObjects];
TIPImagePipeline *pipeline = [TIPImagePipeline my_imagePipeline];
for (NSInteger imageIndex = 0; imageIndex < self.imageViewCount; imageIndex++) {
UIImageView *imageView = _imageView[imageIndex];
imageView.image = nil;
id<TIPImageFetchRequest> request = [self _my_imageFetchRequestForIndex:imageIndex];
TIPImageFetchOperation *op = [pipeline operationWithRequest:request context:@(imageIndex) delegate:self];
// fetch can complete sync or async, so we need to hold the reference BEFORE
// triggering the fetch (in case it completes sync and will clear the ref)
[_imageFetchOperations addObject:op];
[[TIPImagePipeline my_imagePipeline] fetchImageWithOperation:op];
- (id<TIPImageFetchRequest>)_my_imageFetchRequestForIndex:(NSInteger)index
NSAssert(index < self.imageViewCount);
UIImageView *imageView = _imageViews[index];
MyImageModel *model = _imageModels[index];
MyImageFetchRequest *request = [[MyImageFetchRequest alloc] init];
request.imageURL = model.thumbnailImageURL;
request.imageIdentifier = model.imageURL.absoluteString; // shared identifier between image and thumbnail
request.targetDimensions = TIPDimensionsFromView(imageViews);
request.targetContentMode = imageView.contentMode;
return request;
/* delegate methods */
- (void)tip_imageFetchOperation:(TIPImageFetchOperation *)op
TIPImageContainer *imageContainer = previewResult.imageContainer;
NSInteger idx = [op.context integerValue];
UIImageView *imageView = _imageViews[idx];
imageView.image = imageContainer.image;
if ((imageContainer.dimension.width * imageContainer.dimensions.height) >= (originalDimensions.width * originalDimensions.height)) {
// scaled down, preview is plenty
} else {
- (BOOL)tip_imageFetchOperation:(TIPImageFetchOperation *)op
shouldLoadProgressivelyWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier
imageType:(NSString *)imageType
// only load progressively if we didn't load a "preview"
return (nil == op.previewImageContainer);
- (void)tip_imageFetchOperation:(TIPImageFetchOperation *)op
NSInteger idx = [op.context integerValue];
UIImageView *imageView = _imageViews[idx];
imageView.image = progressiveResult.imageContainer.image;
- (void)tip_imageFetchOperation:(TIPImageFetchOperation *)op
NSInteger idx = [op.context integerValue];
UIImageView *imageView = _imageViews[idx];
imageView.image = finalResult.imageContainer.image;
[_imageFetchOperations removeObject:op];
- (void)tip_imageFetchOperation:(TIPImageFetchOperation *)op
didFailToLoadFinalImage:(NSError *)error
NSInteger idx = [op.context integerValue];
UIImageView *imageView = _imageViews[idx];
if (!imageView.image) {
imageView.image = MyAppImageLoadFailedPlaceholderImage();
NSLog(@"-[%@ %@]: %@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd), error);
[_imageFetchOperations removeObject:op];
Twitter Image Pipeline has built in support for inspecting the caches via convenience categories.
has an inspect:
method that will inspect all registered
instances (even if they have not been explicitely loaded) and will provide
detailed results for those caches and the images there-in. You can also call inspect:
on a
specific TIPImagePipeline
instance to be provided detailed info for that specific pipeline.
Inspecting pipelines is asynchronously done on background threads before the inspection callback is
called on the main thread. This can provide very useful debugging info. As an example, Twitter has
built in UI and tools that use the inspection support of TIP for internal builds.
Copyright 2015-2020 Twitter, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0:
Please report sensitive security issues via Twitter’s bug-bounty program ( rather than GitHub.