irb config

Enhances your Ruby REPL. Supports rails, mongoid, rspec and cucumber



Prerequisites: rvm or rbenv.

To install, run

git clone git:// ~/.irb
cd ~/.irb
make install

make install installs all the required gems for all your installed rubies.
When installing a new ruby, please make update in the ~/.irb directory.


To update the repository and all the gems, run

make update

What is it ?

Watch the screencast

Watch the screencast!

It packages:

This way you can switch back and forth from the development environment and the
test environment, which is what the rspec/cucumber commands do.

How to use

  • All the goodies are automatically loaded into your rails console.
  • Use the rspec command pretty much like the usual one.
  • Use the cucumber command pretty much like the usual one.
  • Use the rake, test, generate, destroy, update commands as usual.
  • Type help to see the Pry help.


  • All the gems from your global gemset can be loaded bypassing Bundler.
  • The RSpec/Cucumber context run with your test environment, including your test
    database settings. Furthermore, whenever you run the rspec command, all your
    classes are reloaded with reload!.

Vim Integration

With the Screen plugin, you can
communicate with screen/tmux to send some commands. I find these one
particularly useful:

command -nargs=? -complete=shellcmd W  :w | :call ScreenShellSend("load '".@%."';")
map <Leader>c :ScreenShellVertical bundle exec rails c<CR>
map <Leader>r :w<CR> :call ScreenShellSend("rspec ".@% . ':' . line('.'))<CR>
map <Leader>e :w<CR> :call ScreenShellSend("cucumber --format=pretty ".@% . ':' . line('.'))<CR>
map <Leader>b :w<CR> :call ScreenShellSend("break ".@% . ':' . line('.'))<CR>

This is setup in my Vim configuration.

Assuming you have a tmux session with vim and the rails console:

  • :W saves and reloads the current file in the console.
  • ,c opens a tmux pane with a rails console.
  • ,r saves the file and run the rspec test corresponding to the cursor line.
  • ,e saves the file and run the cucumber test corresponding to the cursor line.
  • ,b puts a break point on the current line


irb config is released under the MIT license.