Enhances your Ruby REPL. Supports rails, mongoid, rspec and cucumber
Prerequisites: rvm or rbenv.
To install, run
git clone git://github.com/nviennot/irb-config.git ~/.irb
cd ~/.irb
make install
make install
installs all the required gems for all your installed rubies.
When installing a new ruby, please make update
in the ~/.irb directory.
To update the repository and all the gems, run
make update
It packages:
This way you can switch back and forth from the development environment and the
test environment, which is what the rspec/cucumber commands do.
command pretty much like the usual one.cucumber
command pretty much like the usual one.rake
, test
, generate
, destroy
, update
commands as usual.help
to see the Pry help.reload!
.With the Screen plugin, you can
communicate with screen/tmux to send some commands. I find these one
particularly useful:
command -nargs=? -complete=shellcmd W :w | :call ScreenShellSend("load '".@%."';")
map <Leader>c :ScreenShellVertical bundle exec rails c<CR>
map <Leader>r :w<CR> :call ScreenShellSend("rspec ".@% . ':' . line('.'))<CR>
map <Leader>e :w<CR> :call ScreenShellSend("cucumber --format=pretty ".@% . ':' . line('.'))<CR>
map <Leader>b :w<CR> :call ScreenShellSend("break ".@% . ':' . line('.'))<CR>
This is setup in my Vim configuration.
Assuming you have a tmux session with vim and the rails console:
saves and reloads the current file in the console.,c
opens a tmux pane with a rails console.,r
saves the file and run the rspec test corresponding to the cursor line.,e
saves the file and run the cucumber test corresponding to the cursor line.,b
puts a break point on the current lineirb config is released under the MIT license.