
ripl/irb the way I like it (enhanced with boson)



Contains libraries of ruby commands/snippets, some original and some copied.
These libraries are managed and run by my command framework, boson.
Despite what the project name implies, all these commands can be used within ripl(irb) or from the
commandline thanks to boson.

Outline of this Repo

Here’s a brief outline and description of major directories under boson/:

  • config/: Boson config directory
  • commands/: Contains all currently used libraries.
    • core/: Libraries that either extend core Ruby classes or take an object of a core class as its first argument.
    • public/: Public libraries that I encourage everyone to use. Commands should have descriptions. If something
      is buggy here feel free to fork and pull.
      • plugins/: Plugin libraries that extend Boson’s behavior.
      • site/: Libraries related to specific websites and their APIs.
      • url/: Libraries that generate url strings. To use in conjunction with boson/url_libraries
        plugin in boson/more.
      • rails/: Rails-related libraries.
    • exp/: Experimental libraries that one day should be public. These libraries are usually half-baked good ideas that
      haven’t quite realized their full potential. You’ll probably to need to run edge versions of
      hirb and boson for these to work.
    • personal/: Personal libraries that are specific to my computer setup i.e. my system files or operating system setup.
  • lib/: A local loaded_path containing classes used by commands.
  • test/: Tests to go along with libraries.
  • todo/: Interesting snippets, mostly copied, that haven’t been converted to commands.

Using a Library

If you want to just try one or two libraries/files under boson/ without boson, simply require and include them:

$ ripl -f
>> require "boson/commands/public/color"
>> class<<self; include Color; end

Note: this only works for libraries that don’t depend on other libraries, don’t use boson commands
and don’t rely on boson for default options.

If you want to install a boson library using boson:

# make sure to point to the code only url
bash> boson install


If you want to use boson in ripl(irb) as a I do:

  • Clone this project: git clone git://
  • Install boson and all the library dependencies: bundle install --system. You can leave off --system but then you will need to run
    bundle exec in this directory to use any of the commandline tools like lightning.
  • Save your ~/.irbrc to somewhere else temporarily. Important since the next step will symlink
    over this file.
  • ruby install.rb to symlink to ~/.boson and ~/.irbrc

To see all the command goodies available to you:

# from bundle exec ripl
>> libraries

# from commandline
bash> boson libraries