isBizMail tells you whether a given email address belongs to a free email account provider (,, etc) or not.
isBizMail tells you whether a given email address is free (,, etc) or not.
The list of emails used by isBizMail is taken from hereยน.
Detects around 2500 domains and subdomains.
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You can install IsBizMail for .NET Core 2.0+ / Framework 4.6.1+, Mono 5.4+ etc via NuGet.
You could build it from sources via:
dotnet build
IsBizMail in .NET is a static class, so can use it like this:
using Salaros.Email;
Console.WriteLine(IsBizMail.IsValid("[email protected]")); // true
Console.WriteLine(IsBizMail.IsValid("[email protected]")); // false
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