Thin Wrapper to Execute methods from JDK and JVM-based libraries from the Command Line.
= jcli
Sugared wrappers to execute methods from JDK and JVM-based libraries from the command line.
E.g., To generate a UUID, java.util.UUID contains a method, UUID.randomUUID()
. This tool helps you to execute that method by invoking jcli util -uuid
== Motivation
The goal is to expose the wealth of utility methods available in the JVM ecosystem right at the command line.
It is also intended that this be a GraalVM-compatible project so that distributions do not require the end user to do a JVM setup with some compatible Java version.
Most methods return a single result, and so can be used in pipe operations combined with other command line utilities if needed.
== Available Commands
In order to view the latest document, you can run the help for a command or sub-command.
E.g., jcli time -help
Usage: jcli time [-hV] [-now] [-toEpochMilli]
Methods from java.time
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-now, --now Prints the value of
-toEpochMilli, --toEpochMilli, -toEpochMillis, --toEpochMillis
Prints the value of
-V, --version Print version information and exit.
Here is a small sample of available options.
|SubCommand | Options | Description | Usage
|Generates a UUID
|jcli util -uuid
|Prints the value of current time as standard formatted date/time
|jcli time -now
|Prints the value of current time as the number of milliseconds from the epoch of 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z.
|jcli time -toEpochMilli
== Build
To build this project’s source code:
. Clone this project
. At the root of the project, execute ./gradlew clean build
. The build generates a jar at build/libs
. To execute the cli app, run java -jar build/libs/jcli-0.1-all.jar -h
to view the help manual.
. Or, create an alias like this. alias jcli='java -jar build/libs/jcli-0.1-all.jar'
Then run, jcli -h
== Build Native Image
. Install and Use GraalVM
. Compile Native Image
… NativeCompile may take a few minutes (~7 minutes on My Intel / i5 / 8GB Mac)
sdk install java 17.0.8-graalce
sdk use java 17.0.8-graalce
./gradlew nativeCompile
The default output directory is build/native/nativeCompile
Here is how you can execute the native file.
$ ./build/native/nativeCompile/jcli --help
Usage: jcli [-hvV] [COMMAND]
Sugared wrappers to execute methods of JDK and JVM-based libraries from the
command line.
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-v, --verbose Print welcome message.
-V, --version Print version information and exit.
time Methods from java.time
util Methods from java.util
string Methods from java.lang.String
An example command:
$ ./build/native/nativeCompile/jcli time -fn=getEpochSecond