jekyll chatgpt translate

Automated translating of Jekyll pages via ChatGPT: all you need is just an OpenAI API key


Translator of Jekyll Pages via ChatGPT


Gem Version

If you have a Jekyll static site,
this plugin may help you automatically
translate its pages to another language, through
ChatGPT. See how it
works for my blog,
for example this page
is translated to

Install it first (you need
Ruby 3+
and Jekyll 3+):

gem install jekyll-chatgpt-translate

Then, add this to _config.yml:

  - ... your other plugins here ...
  - jekyll-chatgpt-translate
  model: gpt-3.5-turbo
  source: en
  layout: translated
      language: zh
      permalink: :year-:month-:day-:slug-chinese.html
      layout: chinese-translated
      only: ru-post
      language: fr
      permalink: :year-:month-:day-:title-french.html

Here, the source language is English (en), the targets are
Chinese (zh) and French (fr),
where the layout for Chinese is _layout/chinese-translated.html and for
French is _layout/translated.html (you must have these files).

OpenAI API KEY must be set in the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable,
the plugin will not do any translation and won’t generate translated pages.
You can get your key

OpenAI API base URL can be customized by the OPENAI_API_BASE
environment variable.
If this variable is not set, the default value is

Inside the original page you can use {{ page.chatgpt-translate.urls[XX] }}
in order to render the URL
of the translated page, where XX is the ISO-639-1
code of the target language.
Inside the translated page you can use
{{ page.chatgpt-translate.original-url }} in order
to get the URL of the page that was translated.

You can also use {{ page.chatgpt-translate.model }}
inside both the original page and the translated one,
to refer to the model of ChatGPT.
The presence of {{ page.chatgpt-translate }} means that the
page was translated or the translated HTML was downloaded
and placed into the _site directory.


Full list of options available to specify in _config.yml:

  • api_key_file (optional) — the file with OpenAI API key.
    If this option is not specified,
    it is expected to have the key in the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable.

  • api_key (optional) — the OpenAI API key itself. This is a very bad idea to
    specify it right in the _config.yml file, but it’s still possible.

  • model (optional) — specifies the model to use by ChatGPT,
    examples are here.

  • source (optional) — is the ISO-639-1 code of the source language.

  • no_download (optional) — if this attribute is present, the plugin won’t try
    to find HTML versions of translated pages in the Internet and won’t try to
    download them and place into the _site directory. Thus, your entire site
    will have to be re-translated on every build (might be very ineffective
    if the site is big!)

  • min_chars (optional) — minimum number of chars that must be present in
    a paragraph in order for it to be feasible to go to ChatGPT. The robot
    doesn’t translate short paragraphs pretty enough. It’s better to keep this
    number big enough, to avoid silly translations. The default is 128.

  • window_length (optional) — maximum number of words to be sent to
    OpenAI API in one
    request. The default is 2048.

  • layout (optional) — is name of the file in _layouts directory,
    without the extension.
    This layout will be specified for the pages generated by this plugin.
    The default value is translated (expecting you to have
    _layouts/translated.html file available).

  • targets (mandatory) — an array of target languages, each of
    which has the following attributes

    • only (optional) —
      it this is present, only the posts with the provided “layout”
      will be translated to this target

    • language (mandatory) —
      ISO-639-1 code of the target language

    • source (optional) —
      ISO-639-1 code of the source language (overwrites the
      value of the source defined above)

    • permalink (mandatory) — template to use for newly generated pages

    • layout (optional) — the name of the file in the _layouts directory

  • threshold (optional) — maximum number of pages to generate
    in one build cycle.
    The default value is 1024. It is recommended to use smaller number, in order
    to avoid too long builds. You can re-run the build again and missing pages
    will be generated. Thus, in a few builds the entire site will be translated.

  • version (optional) — the version that will be attached to each
    generated page,
    in order to avoid repetitive translations on one hand
    and enable re-translations
    when the version is changed on another hand. By default, the version of
    this plugin will be used, unless you set your own value.

  • tmpdir (optional) — the name of the directory where to keep temporary files,
    _chatgpt-translate is the default value.

How to Contribute

Make a fork and then test it locally like this:

bundle update
bundle exec rake

If it works, make changes, test again, and then submit a pull request.

In order to run a single test, do this:

bundle exec ruby test/test_generator.rb