JetCache is a Java cache framework.
JetCache is a Java cache abstraction which provides uniform usage for different caching solutions.
It provides more powerful annotations than those in Spring Cache. The annotations in JetCache supports native TTL,
two level caching, and automatically refresh in distrubuted environments, also you can manipulate Cache
instance by your code.
Currently, there are four implementations: RedisCache
, TairCache
(not open source on github), CaffeineCache
(in memory) and a simple LinkedHashMapCache
(in memory).
Full features of JetCache:
instance with cache managerCache
instance and method level cachefastjson
; Value convertor supported: java
Visit docs for more details.
Declare method cache using @Cached
expire = 3600
indicates that the elements will expire in 3600 seconds after being set.
JetCache automatically generates the cache key with all the parameters.
public interface UserService {
@Cached(expire = 3600, cacheType = CacheType.REMOTE)
User getUserById(long userId);
Using key
attribute to specify cache key using SpEL script.
public interface UserService {
@Cached(name="userCache-", key="#userId", expire = 3600)
User getUserById(long userId);
@CacheUpdate(name="userCache-", key="#user.userId", value="#user")
void updateUser(User user);
@CacheInvalidate(name="userCache-", key="#userId")
void deleteUser(long userId);
In order to use parameter name such as key="#userId"
, you javac compiler target must be 1.8 and above, and the -parameters
should be set. Otherwise, use index to access parameters like key="args[0]"
Auto refreshment:
public interface SummaryService{
@Cached(expire = 3600, cacheType = CacheType.REMOTE)
@CacheRefresh(refresh = 1800, stopRefreshAfterLastAccess = 3600, timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)
BigDecimal summaryOfToday(long categoryId);
CachePenetrationProtect annotation indicates that the cache will be loaded synchronously in multi-thread environment.
Create a Cache
instance with CacheManager
private CacheManager cacheManager;
private Cache<String, UserDO> userCache;
public void init() {
QuickConfig qc = QuickConfig.newBuilder("userCache")
.cacheType(CacheType.BOTH) // two level cache
.syncLocal(true) // invalidate local cache in all jvm process after update
userCache = cacheManager.getOrCreateCache(qc);
The code above create a Cache
instance. cacheType = CacheType.BOTH
define a two level cache (a local in-memory-cache and a remote cache system) with local elements limited upper to 50(LRU based evict). You can use it like a map:
UserDO user = userCache.get(12345L);
userCache.put(12345L, loadUserFromDataBase(12345L));
userCache.computeIfAbsent(1234567L, (key) -> loadUserFromDataBase(1234567L));
Asynchronous API:
CacheGetResult r = cache.GET(userId);
CompletionStage<ResultData> future = r.future();
future.thenRun(() -> {
Distributed lock:
cache.tryLockAndRun("key", 60, TimeUnit.SECONDS, () -> heavyDatabaseOperation());
Read through and auto refresh:
private CacheManager cacheManager;
private Cache<String, Long> orderSumCache;
public void init() {
QuickConfig qc = QuickConfig.newBuilder("userCache")
.refreshPolicy(RefreshPolicy.newPolicy(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS).stopRefreshAfterLastAccess(100, TimeUnit.SECONDS))
orderSumCache = cacheManager.getOrCreateCache(qc);
App class:
@EnableMethodCache(basePackages = "")
@EnableCreateCacheAnnotation // deprecated in jetcache 2.7, can be removed if @CreateCache is not used
public class MySpringBootApp {
public static void main(String[] args) {;
spring boot application.yml config:
statIntervalMinutes: 15
areaInCacheName: false
type: linkedhashmap #other choose:caffeine
keyConvertor: fastjson2 #other choose:fastjson/jackson
limit: 100
type: redis
keyConvertor: fastjson2 #other choose:fastjson/jackson
broadcastChannel: projectA
valueEncoder: java #other choose:kryo/kryo5
valueDecoder: java #other choose:kryo/kryo5
minIdle: 5
maxIdle: 20
maxTotal: 50
host: ${}
port: ${redis.port}
Visit detail configuration for more instructions
Visit docs for more details.
For upgrade see changelog and compatibility notes.