Java Imagery Mogrifier



Java Imagery Mogrifier

Experimental / tool level handling for NITF and other imagery related things.

There are several modules, mostly independent, as listed below. If these are useful to you, feel free to contribute back any fixes or improvements.


Supports some parts of NITF. Not fit for use.

JIM Integrated MIE4NITF (JIM)

Supports some parts of MIE4NITF. Not fit for use.

STANAG 7023 Table Extractor, Validator and Editor (STEVE)

Currently supports a reasonable amount of STANAG 7023 (NATO Primary Imagery Format).

Binary Radar Information Analyser and Navigator (BRIAN)

Supports most of STANAG 4607 (GMTI).

Dynamic Activity Reporter (DAR)

Supports some of STANAG 4676 (NATO ISR Tracking Standard).