jquery date dropdowns

A simple, customisable jQuery datepicker plugin to dynamically generate separate "day", "month" and "year" dropdowns, and provide a formatted date string for form submission


#jQuery Dropdown Datepicker

A simple date select plugin.

bower install -S jquery-date-dropdowns


     configOption: configValue

The plugin can be initialised either directly on an input field, or on a container element (e.g. a <div>).

####Date Validation
The Day dropdown’s options change automatically depending on the month selected. If the day value is rendered invalid after the selection of a month (e.g. selecting February when the selected day is 31st) the day dropdown is reset and a class of invalid is applied, remaining until a valid day is selected.

##Configuration Options


Type: string
Default: Day

Identifies the “Day” dropdown


Type: boolean
Default: true

Indicates whether day numbers should include their suffixes when displayed to the user (e.g. 1st, 2nd, 3rd)


Type: array
Default: ['st', 'nd', 'rd', 'th']

Ordinal indicators (can be overridden for internationalisation purposes)


Type: string
Default: null

Populate the widget with a default date. Use with defaultDateFormat


Type: string
Default: yyyy-mm-dd
Options: dd/mm/yyyy, mm/dd/yyyy

The format of the date string provided to defaultDate


Type: string
Default: dmy
Options: myd, ymd

Specify the order in which the dropdown fields should be rendered. Defaults to Day Month Year


Type: string
Default: null

Set the class attribute of generated dropdown elements


Type: array
Default: ['Day', 'Month', 'Year']

Initial dropdown values (can be overridden for internationalisation purposes)


Type: int
Default: 120

Indicates the maximum age the widget will accept


Type: int
Default: null

The highest year option that will be available. Note: this will take precedence over minAge


Type: int
Default: 0

Indicates the minimum age the widget will accept


Type: int
Default: null

The lowest year option that will ba available. Note: this will take precedence over maxAge


Type: string
Default: long
Options: numeric, short

Specify the format dates should be in when presented to the user


Type: string
Default: Month

Identifies the “Month” dropdown


Type: array
Default: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December']

Long month dropdown values (can be overridden for internationalisation purposes)


Type: array
Default: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']

Short month dropdown values (can be overridden for internationalisation purposes)


type: boolean
Default: true

Indicates whether month numbers should include their suffixes when displayed to the user (e.g. 1st, 2nd, 3rd)


Type: boolean
Default: false

Whether the required html5 attribute should be applied to the generated <select/> elements


Type: string
Default: date

Specify the name attribute for the hidden field that will contain the formatted date for submission. Note: this will overwrite an existing name attribute on an input element


Type: string
Default: yyyy-mm-dd

Specify the format the submitted date should take using dd, mm and yyyy placeholders. For example dd/mm/yyyy will render 30/12/2000


Type: string
Default: date-dropdowns

Specify a classname to add to the widget wrapper


Type: string
Default: Year

Identifies the “Year” dropdown



Call the destroy method to undo any changes made during the plugin’s initialisation.



Feel free to submit any fixes or propose any additional functionality via pull request or issue, making sure any changes take place in /src. Any code changes must pass the JSHint validation, and where possible also update the minified file.

####Minification and Validation
Both are automated via Grunt. Run npm_install to install the required dependencies, then run grunt from the root of the project to handle the tasks.

###To Come

  • Ability to specify relative dates as default values (e.g. today, +1 week or my wedding anniversary).
  • Ability to pass an instantiated date() object as a default value
  • Similarly formatted time inputs (hours : minutes, optional seconds). This is likely to be a separate file to avoid unnecessary bloat for users who only need date inputs, but a merged version should also be available.
  • And maybe more, who knows…