json schema spec

The JSON Schema specification


Welcome to JSON Schema

Contributor Covenant
Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.
Financial Contributors on Open Collective

JSON Schema is a vocabulary that allows you to validate, annotate, and
manipulate JSON documents.

This repository contains the sources for the work in progress of the next
set of JSON Schema IETF Internet Draft (I-D) documents. For the latest released
I-Ds, please see the
Specification page on the website.

Call for contributions and feedback

Reviews, comments and suggestions are most welcome!
Please read our guidelines for contributing.


For the current status of issues and pull requests, please see the following

In Progress
Review Needed

Labels are assigned based on
Sensible Github Labels.

Authoring and Building


To build all the spec files to HTML from the Markdown sources, run npm run build -- specs. You can also build each individually with npm run build -- specs/filename.md (Example: npm run build -- specs/jsonschema-core.md). You
can also use wildcards to build multiple specs at the same time: npm run build -- specs/jsonschema-*.md. The HTML files will be available in the web folder.

The spec is built using Remark, a markdown engine with
good support for plugins and lots of existing plugins we can use. Remark also
has a language server and
a VSCode extension we can use to
get linting an link checking while developing the spec.


The following is a not-necessarily-complete list of configured plugins and the
features they make available to you.

  • remark-lint – Enforce markdown
    styles guide.
  • remark-validate-links
    Check for broken links.
  • remark-gfm – Adds support for
    Github Flavored Markdown specific markdown features such as autolink literals,
    footnotes, strikethrough, tables, and tasklists.
  • remark-heading-id – Adds
    support for {#my-anchor} syntax to add an id to an element so it can be
    referenced using URI fragment syntax.
  • remark-headings
    – A collection of enhancements for headings.
    • Adds hierarchical section numbers to headings.
      • Use the %appendix% prefix on headings that should be numbered as an
    • Adds id anchors to headers that don’t have one
      • Example: #section-2-13
      • Example: #appendix-a
    • Makes the heading a link utilizing its anchor
  • remark-reference-links
    – Adds new syntax for referencing a section of the spec using the section
    number as the link text.
    • Example:
      ## Foo {#foo}
      ## Bar
      This is covered in {{foo}} // --> Renders to "This is covered in [Section 2.3](#foo)"
      - Link text will use "Section" or "Appendix" as needed
  • remark-table-of-contents
    – Adds a table of contents in a section with a header called “Table of
  • remark-code-titles
    – Add titles to code blocks
    • Example:
      \`\`\`jsonschema "My Fun Title"
      { "type": "string" }
    • The languages jsonschema and json have special styling
    • The title will be parsed as a JSON string, but you have to double escape
      escaped characters. So, to get My "quoted" title, you would need to be
      "My \\\\"quoted\\\\" title".
  • remark-torchlight
    Syntax highlighting and more using https://torchlight.dev. Features include
    line numbers and line highlighting.
  • remark-flexible-containers
    – Add a callout box using the following syntax. Supported container types are
    warning, note, and experimental.
    ::: {type} {title}


To build components that are being maintained as IETF Internet-Drafts, run
make. The Makefile will create the necessary Python venv for you as part of
the regular make target.

make clean will remove all output including the venv. To clean just the spec
output and keep the venv, use make spec-clean.

If you want to run xml2rfc manually after running make for the first time, you
will need to activate the virtual environment: source .venv/bin/activate.

The version of “xml2rfc” that this project uses is updated by modifying
requirements.in and running pip-compile requirements.in.

Descriptions of the xml2rfc, I-D documents, and RFC processes:

Test suites

Conformance tests for JSON Schema and its vocabularies may be found
in their own repository.

The website

The JSON Schema web site is at http://json-schema.org/

The source for the website is maintained in a separate repository.


Code Contributors

This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. [Contribute].

Financial Contributors

Become a financial contributor and help us sustain our community. [Contribute]


Here are our top sponsors. You could be next! [Become a sponsor]



The contents of this repository are licensed under either the BSD
3-clause license or the Academic Free License v3.0.