JSUStockChat is a easy way to make stock chart with Auto Layout And StoryBoard!
JSUStockChat is a easy way to make stock chart with Auto Layout And StoryBoard!
##Key Features
2.Breathing Lamp
1.Drag JSUStockChart to your project.
2.Drag a UIView to your ViewController.
3.Change the view Custom Class to TimeLineStockChartView and Connect to @IBOutlet weak var timeView.
4.In ViewDidLoad.
class JSUTimeViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.timeView.drawLabelPriceInside = true
self.timeView.drawLabelRatioInside = true
self.timeView.gridBackgroundColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
self.timeView.borderColor = UIColor(netHex: 0xe4e4e4, alpha: 1)
self.timeView.borderWidth = 0.5
self.timeView.uperChartHeightScale = 0.7;
self.timeView.xAxisHeitht = 25
self.timeView.countOfTimes = 242
5.loadData,I get data from a json file,you can get it from your webservice.
func loadData(){
//get priceData
let model:JSUPriceModel = readFile("timeLineData", ext: "json")
func setupTimeLineView(data:JSUPriceModel){
var timeArray = [TimeLineEntity]()
var lastVolume = CGFloat(0)
if let shares = data.shares{
var lastAvg = CGFloat(0)
for dic in shares{
let entity = TimeLineEntity()
entity.currtTime = dic.dt?.toString("HH:mm")
if let c = data.close{
entity.preClosePx = CGFloat(c)
if let p = dic.price{
entity.lastPirce = CGFloat(p)
if let v = dic.volume{
entity.volume = CGFloat(v) - lastVolume
lastVolume = CGFloat(v)
if let a = dic.amount{
entity.avgPirce = CGFloat(a/v)
if isnan(entity.avgPirce){
entity.avgPirce = lastAvg
lastAvg = entity.avgPirce
if let r = dic.ratio{
entity.rate = CGFloat(r)
let set = TimeDataset()
set.data = timeArray;
set.avgLineCorlor = UIColor(netHex: 0xffc004, alpha: 1)
set.priceLineCorlor = UIColor(netHex: 0x0095ff, alpha: 1)
set.lineWidth = 1;
set.highlightLineWidth = 0.8
set.highlightLineColor = UIColor(netHex: 0x546679, alpha: 1)
set.volumeTieColor = UIColor(netHex: 0xaaaaaa, alpha: 1)
set.volumeRiseColor = UIColor(netHex: 0xf24957, alpha: 1)
set.volumeFallColor = UIColor(netHex: 0x1dbf60, alpha: 1)
set.fillStartColor = UIColor(netHex: 0xe3efff, alpha: 1)
set.fillStopColor = UIColor(netHex: 0xe3efff, alpha: 1)
set.fillAlpha = 0.5
set.drawFilledEnabled = true
self.timeView.highlightLineShowEnabled = true;
self.timeView.endPointShowEnabled = NSDate().isTradingTime()
MIT license. See the LICENSE
file for details.