
Web data (json/csv/html/xml) manipulation tool


A tool for processing json/html/xml/csv/text data with json like manipulation.

Aimed for easy use and extensibilty.


Developed for python3.6+, not guaranteed to work on older versions


You can clone the directory and install the tool in editable mode with

pip install -e Jtool

You can then see the options using the jtool -h flag

usage: jtool [-h] [-f FILE] [-d] [commandstr]

A tool for working with json/csv/xml/html/text data

positional arguments:
  commandstr            json select command

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FILE, --filename FILE
                        process file instead of stdin
  -d, --debug           print debug trace

Query Language

The queries for the jtool are written in dot (.) notation where each command is separated by a period.
See -h for a list of available commands

Custom commands

All commands are defined in files in the operations folder and allow for extending the query language.
Each command must follow the following specification:

1. Commands

The commands name name (ex. moo) is referenced as follows in the query string.

  • @moo for a non parameter command or
  • @moo(...) for a parameter command where ... is a string with whatever parameters are in the query string.

The parameter string in the paretheses is automatically escaped, so using , core operators or other @ commands does not cause errors

2. Registration

To add the command moo, define a new function using the following format

@register_command("moo")  # required to register command
def make_KEYS_op(params): # function name not imporant
    '''description, as displayed when jtool -h is invoked'''
    #params is optional and will be an array corresponding to comma
    # sepearated params that is between () in the cli line argument "@moo(...)"
    #the processing code here must define a callable (lambda or function)
    #that takes a valid input  and returns something
    return lambda data: {"mooable":data}

The returning callable will be invoked in the chain of operations specified by the query string when encountered.
The data passed to the callable will be the current selection up to that operation. It is up to you to ensure that your custom
operation plays nicely with others.

Happy usage!