A multi-mode date and time picker for Bootstrap (3&4), jQueryMobile, Foundation, Bulma, FomanticUI, and UIKit (or others)
DateBox is a jQuery date and time picker. Full Documentation and Demos, that works with a multitude of CSS frameworks.
DateBox is extreamlly full featured. Included are:
An extra special thanks to Phill Pafford for answering tons of questions about DateBox, and jQueryMobile in general on StackOverflow.
And last but not least, thanks to all the contributors to the project on github.
All scripts are available on the cdn:
DateBox uses the following version scheme:
Please see the full api documentation at: dev.jtsage.com
To build locally:
Full lint test, all files : npm test
The full release : npm run release
Update dist/latest only : npm run latest
Run the test suite : npm run lint
Build the documentation : npm run docs
Run a local server @:8080 for the documentation : npm run serve
Run a local version of the builder server: npm run build-builder && npm run servebuild
Check the package.json for more options.
Most frameworks include a stripped down version of the jQueryUI widget library
Please refere to the licesenses of the included files for details.
Also note, these are copies, not dependancies, so that the maintainer has
more control over version incompatabilities.