Project management tool build on top of Symfony2
Jumph is a simple open source project management tool based on the Symfony Framework.
Currently finished:
Currently in development:
Future plans:
Jumph is not production ready yet. However, if you want to install it already or you want to contribute, follow these steps:
npm install gulp
npm install
gulp watch
to get assetscomposer install
to install php dependenciesapp/config/parameters.yml
php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
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log in with “peter” / “jumph2014”
Thanks for considering to contribute. You can contribute by creating pull requests. I am looking forward to your fixes, improvements and new features. This project is very much helped with all the issues you can resolve, any improvements you can make or unit tests you can set up.
Currently, no language files have been created. Feel free to help out. When done, translating Jumph will become possible.
Jumph was originally created by Peter Nijssen.
See the list of contributors.
The theme is named AdminLTE and is created by Almsaeed Studio.