keystone ssg

Keystone is a static-site generator ideal for quickly building small websites. No setup required, and a collection of handy features are enabled by default.



Keystone is looking outdated these days, I’d recommend you take a look into Astro or Vite instead.

Keystone logo

Why Keystone?

Keystone is a static-site generator ideal for quickly building small websites. No setup required, and a collection of handy features are enabled by default.


  • Easy install & setup, one command and ready to go
  • Auto-refresh development server
  • Use templates and reusable partials/imports, with slots
  • Automatic routing, just upload /public and you’re ready to go
  • Babel, SCSS, & Markdown support enabled by default, source maps in development mode
  • JS & CSS minifying and bundling (with Rollup)
  • Dynamic link loading (no page reload)
  • Search index file generator, for easy website searching

Getting Started


Create a new directory and run the following command to setup Keystone, package.json, & git. Node 14.x.x required.

$  npm install keystone-ssg

Great, you’re installed!

Development server

Start the Keystone development server, and then go to http://localhost:8080 to see the example website.

$ npm run dev

Build project

The project is built within the /public folder after running the command, ready for upload.

$ npm run build

Building your website

There are six important directories within a Keystone project, each with their own purpose:


Every HTML .html & markdown .md file in the pages folder corresponds to a page on your website. There are two files in the example project in here, try opening index.html. The automatic routing will bundle the files to the /public folder upon running npm run build like so:

/pages/index.html   ->  /public/index.html
/pages/ ->  /public/example/index.html

You may have noticed that index.html has the following tag: <_template basic.html />. This places the contents of index.html inside the slotted template file at /templates/basic.html. This custom HTML tag format works inside .md files too.


Templates can be used with /pages to provide a ready-made framework for your pages. Use a <_slot /> tag within the template file to provide an entry point for your content. Open /templates/basic.html and look for:

<_var title default="Keystone default title" />

This is a variable slot, named title, in a template file, with an optional default value.

Using the following as a template tag inside of /pages will allow you to enter a custom value into the template, from a content page:

<_template basic.html title="A custom title" />


The /components folder is simply used for reusable components. The <_import> tag is used to import components into other HTML files, an example of which is inside /templates/basic.html.

<_import header.html />

The <_import> tag can also be used to import the contents of any other kind of file (JS, SCSS etc), after first bundling the source.


Place Javascript files within the /src folder. The following tag will be converted to a regular <script> import tag, linking to your file /src/main.js:

<_script main.js />

ES6 imports are fully supported, and the resulting file will be transpiled with Babel, bundled with Rollup, and minified.


The /styles folder is used for your CSS/SCSS. The following tag will be converted to a regular <link> css import tag, linking to your compiled /styles/main.scss file:

<_style main.scss />

All node-sass features are fully supported, including @import.


Static assets are placed here, ie fonts, images, icons. Everything here will be transferred to it’s corresponding folder in the root directory, for example:

/assets/favicon.ico -> /public/favicon.ico
/assets/fonts/fontname.ttf -> /public/fonts/fontname.ttf


Keystone HTML tags

  • Every custom Keystone HTML tag can be used anywhere within an HTML file, even within other HTML attributes, apart from in other Keystone tags.
  • For all custom Keystone tags, alternatively, you can use a src attribute to target a file in any folder: <_template src='myfolder/myfile.html' />.
  • All paths are relative to the folder containing package.json, do not use an initial slash unless you’d like to access a file outside of the project.
  • Keystone HTML tag attributes can use ‘single’ “double” or `backtick` quote marks.

Dynamic loading

  • Dynamic loading fetches the local website link and replaces the content of the current page with the new page, without reloading and switching pages.
  • While dynamic loading is enabled, page state (eg input values, scroll position) is not saved when using the back button.
  • When a link is clicked, the .keystone-page-loading class is set to display: block. If the class is set to display: none in the CSS, this can be used to create a loading indicator.
  • Disable dynamic loading in keystone.config.js.

Search index generator

  • The search index generator generates a file, search.json, in the root directory This is a JSON array containing an object for each page, listing the text content, title, and path of the page.
  • All HTML tags are stripped from the page, and only the text is kept and stored.
  • This file can be fetched and queried be a website search function, to easily find which page contains which content.
  • Disable the search bar helper in keystone.config.js.


  • The public folder is ignored by Git, remove the public line from .gitignore should you wish to use to commit it to Git.

Updating Keystone

  • Replace the version number in package.json with the version you’re updating to and run npm install keystone-ssg, for a quick upgrade.



Tag Description Attributes
<_template> Imports the current file into a <_slot> within the template file [file name], [variable name], src
<_slot> Used within a template file as an entry point for the imported file None
<_var> Used within a template file to be replaced by a variable taken from <_template> [variable name], default
<_import> Imports a component [file name], src
<_script> Creates a <script> tag linking to the bundled script [file name], src
<_style> Creates a <link> tag linking to the bundled css file [file name], src

NPM Commands

Command Description Output differences
npm run dev Builds the website for development, then starts the Keystone development server.
  • Inline source maps are generated.
  • Development server script is injected.
npm run build Builds the website for production.
  • Bundle is compacted & minified.

Config file

The config file is keystone.config.js

Option Description Default
dynamicLinks Enables dynamically loaded local links on your Keystone website, no refresh needed true
searchFile Generates search.json in the root directory true
indexPath The root directory of your website ‘/’
port The dev server port, localhost:8080 8080
portWs A second port used for the dev server 8081
devServerIp The location of the dev server, localhost:8080. Replace with your device’s local IP to view dev server on local devices (example: ‘’). ‘localhost’
watched The directories watched by the Keystone dev server, that will force a recompilation and page refresh when files are edited [‘templates’, ‘pages’, ‘assets’, ‘components’, ‘src’, ‘styles’]
build The content page directory ‘pages’
served The directory containing the generated website ‘public’
fullRecompile Force a full recompile of all files after each file change in development mode false

Default directory layout

| empty-keystone-project
--| .git/
--| assets/
--| components/
--| pages/
--| src/
--| styles/
--| templates/
--| keystone.config.js
--| package.json
--| package-lock.json

Plugin error

If you have a PLUGIN_ERROR after installing and running the example, this is a Babel problem, run the following command to fix it:

npm install @babel/core @babel/preset-env --save-dev