kia marzban admin

Telegram bot for better management of Marzban panel


Install && Manage

bash <(curl -Ls

How to Install

Follow these steps to set up Marzban Admin successfully:

  1. Obtain Bot Token:
    Get a bot token from BotFather to authenticate and enable the bot’s functionality.

  2. Retrieve Chat Admin ID:
    Use userinfobot to find and retrieve the Chat Admin ID, ensuring proper authorization.

  3. Configure Panel Address:
    Set the panel address in the format to establish the connection.

  4. Provide Panel Credentials:
    Enter the required Panel Password and Panel Username for secure access to the administration panel.


  1. Bulk User Creation:
    Efficiently create multiple users in bulk, saving you time and effort.

  2. Dynamic User Expiration:
    Set the expiration time to start after the first connection

  3. Template Management:
    Easily manage and organize templates for quick and consistent configurations.

  4. Manual Configurations:
    Customize configurations manually to tailor them to your specific requirements.

  5. Configurations from Templates:
    Create configurations effortlessly by utilizing predefined templates for consistency.

  6. Node Management with Coefficients

  7. Node Updates

Tutorial Video


If you find this bot useful, consider making a donation to support the project.

TRX Wallet: TVXbrKsUKWc6BKJ7UAaex4zzPJ7jMEfJNj


