金山云直播SDK [ iOS推流+播放 ]融合版 支持美颜滤镜(Beauty Filter)、美声(Beauty Voice)、软硬编(Software/Hardware Encoder) 、网络自适应(Network Auto Adapt)、混音(Audio Mixer)、混响(Reverb)、画中画(PIP)
Source Type: Binary SDK Charge Type: free of charge
This document is intended for all developers and testers who use KSY Live iOS SDK, and requires readers to have some experience in iOS programming and development, and require readers to read wiki habits.
KSY Live iOS SDK Jinshan Cloud provides live solution as part of the completion of the iOS audio and video data acquisition, processing, streaming and playback.
KSY Live iOS SDK does not limit the user’s push, pull flow address. Users can only use KSY Live iOS SDK instead of using Jinshan cloud services.
KSY Live iOS SDK does not charge any license fee, does not contain any lapse of time or shut down the back door remotely. At the same time KSY Live iOS SDK does not require ak / sk authentication, there is no user identification information.
KSY Live iOS SDK provides industry-leading H.265 encoding and decoding capabilities, H.265 capabilities are free to use, welcome to integration trial.
KSY Live iOS SDK Currently does not provide open source code, if you need other custom development features, please contact Kingsoft Business Channel.
Kingsoft Cloud guarantees, KSY Live SDK does not use any hot update technology, such as: RN (ReactNative), weex, JSPatch, etc.
Kingsoft Cloud SDK guarantees that the provided KSYLive iOS Live Broadcast SDK does not use thermal update technologies such as RN (ReactNative), weex, JSPatch, etc., so be sure to use it.
Kingsoft Cloud SDK guarantees that the provided KSYLive iOS Live Broadcast SDK can be used for commercial applications without charge for any SDK usage. However, other commercial services based on the KSYLive iOS Live Broadcast SDK will be charged by a specific vendor for licensing fees, broadly including:
Cloud storage
CDN distribution
The SDK provides the following access methods:
The directory structure is as follows:
$ git clone https://github.com/ksvc/KSYLive_iOS.git KSYLive_iOS --depth 1
For some places to visit slower github circumstances, you can get from the bitbucket clone library content and github consistent.
$ git clone https://bitbucket.org/ksvc/ksylive_ios.git --depth 1
By using Cocoapods, you can download the static library and code of this SDK locally just by adding a sentence similar to the following sentence to your Podfile:
pod 'libksygpulive / KSYGPUResource'
pod 'libksygpulive / libksygpulive'
POD install can be implemented.
Among them, the first paragraph libksygpulive SDK name, the second paragraph KSYGPUResource and libksygpulive sub-module name
This SDK provides a number of different sub-modules to meet the needs of different users:
pod 'libksygpulive / libksygpulive',: path => '../'
pod 'libksygpulive / libksygpulive',: git => 'https://github.com/ksvc/KSYLive_iOS.git' ,: tag => 'v1.8.0'
Get spec from cocoapod official library trunk, download sdk from github
pod 'libksygpulive / libksygpulive'
pod 'libksygpulive_ks3 / libksygpulive'
pod repo update
Please refer to GPUImage provided by the official cocoapods. The current version of our test is [0.1.7](https: // github. com / BradLarson / GPUImage / releases / tag / 0.1.7)
!!! Note: Here are two ways to run the demo, but only one alternative; If you want to change another method, please re-download or decompression, or restore git repository before trying. !!!
There is already a Podfile in the demo directory that specifies the local development version of the pod
In the demo directory, execute the following command, you can start to compile and run the demo
$ cd demo
$ pod install
$ open KSYLiveDemo.xcworkspace
After updating the pod, you need to open xcwrokspace instead of xcodeproj
Unzip the archive (or clone successfully), enter the releaseFramework directory, download the dependencies via release-libKSYLive.sh and package out the framework, generated to KSYLive_iOS / framework / static directory.
$ cd releaseFramework
$ ./release-libKSYLive.sh libksygpulive lite
$ ls ../framework/static
Bugly.framework GPUImage.framework libksygpulive.framework
Please refer to the help of the script release-libKSYLive.sh (./release-libKSYLive.sh -h) or [Dynamic Library Point 4] for details on the parameters (https://github.com/ksvc/KSYLive_iOS/wiki/dylib ).
Bugly.framework is to collect the demo’s crash letter
Unzip the archive (or clone successfully), enter the releaseFramework directory, download the dependencies via release-libKSYLive.sh and package out the framework, generated to KSYLive_iOS / framework / static directory.
$ cd releaseFramework
$ ./release-libKSYLive.sh libksygpulive lite
$ ls ../framework/static
Bugly.framework GPUImage.framework libksygpulive.framework
Please refer to the help of the script release-libKSYLive.sh (./release-libKSYLive.sh -h) or [Dynamic Library Point 4] for details on the parameters (https://github.com/ksvc/KSYLive_iOS/wiki/dylib ).
Bugly.framework is used to collect demo crashes (used in demo only) Bugs are not dependent on integrating the SDK into user projects.
Open the demo directory KSYLiveDemo.xcodeproj, modify the configuration file of the KSYLiveDemo project:
Select KSYLiveDemo project -> select Project KSYLiveDemo-> select Info tab -> select Configurations-> Debug or Release-> to KSYLiveDemo respectively select the corresponding KSYLiveDemo-framework.xcconfig file. Note that if using a dynamic library, select KSYLiveDemo-dy-framework.xcconfig.
Or manually add the following parameters in the project configuration: (For details, see KSYLiveDemo-framework.xcconfig in the demo directory)
OTHER_LDFLAGS = $ (inherited) -ObjC -all_load -framework libksygpulive -framework GPUImage -framework Bugly -lstdc ++. 6 -lz
FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS = $ (inherited) ../framework/ ../framework/static
The above is the integration method of the static library. For the configuration and usage of the dynamic library, please refer to the content of Dynamic Library in the Wiki.
#import <GPUImage / GPUImage.h>
#import <libksygpulive / KSYGPUStreamerKit.h>
The above two header files need to be introduced:
GPUImage.h because of reliance on third-party framework needs to be introduced
KSYGPUStreamerKit.h is open top kit class kit class can be used directly, you can also modify
When you need to customize GPUImage, the version of GPUImage is 0.1.7
The SDK version number mainly through the core class query
NSLog (@ "version:% @", [streamerBase getKSYVersion]);
NSLog (@ "version:% @", [kit getKSYVersion]);
pod repo update
See the github library at https://github.com/ksvc/KSYMediaPlayer_iOS.git
| Type | Description |
|: —: |: —: |
| SDK Name | KSYLive_iOS |
| SDK Version | v2.5.0 |
| Equipment model | iphone7 |
| OS Version | iOS 10 |
| Problem Description | Description of the problem |
| Description of Operation | Describes what went wrong with this operation |
| Extra Attachments | Textual Forms Console log, crash reports, other ancillary information (screen shots or videos, etc.) |