Automatically generates from template and imports it into Xcode project.
Kuri is a tool that automatically generates necessary code and imports it into Xcode project.
I gave youtube a video explaining how to use Kuri so please refer also here.
I was use Clean Architecture for my product.
Clean Architecture is a very wonderful way of thinking.
But very very written some boiler plate code and many many file create and import xcode.
This is so hard.
So, I thought about making a tool to automatically generate code from some templates.
But Kuri is not only use Clean Architecture.
You can use VIPER, MVVM… and your own architecture.
I believe that the following concepts are necessary in iOS CleanArchitecture.
Kuri will arrange the mechanism for it.
When using “Kuri” Two preparations are necessary.
But using setup command will prepare these two.
In project file root directory.
You can type kuri setup
and press enter in CLI tool.
The “Kuri.yml” and “KuriTemplate” directories are created under the current directory.
The form of the generate command basically looks like this
kuri generate "MyName"
After Executing generate command, you can comfirm to want to append files and directories for MyNameEntity, MyNameRepository, MyNameView and so on into Xcode project.
Execute on terminal where project root directory.
$ kuri generate Kuri
Instructions with options here.
Kuri.yml and KuriTemplate can be customized respectively.
and you can check KuriDemo’s templates.
Mint is a package manager for created by swift package manager executable libraries.
`$ mint install bannzai/kuri
. Every directory is okay if the path passed.)You can now run the kuri command.
If you want to debug for Kuri.
You should see here.
Kuri is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.