KYShutterButton is a custom button that is similar to the shutter button of the camera app
is a custom button that is similar to the shutter button of the camera app
is available on CocoaPods.
Add the following to your Podfile
pod 'KYShutterButton'
Just add the Classes folder to your project.
(see sample Xcode project in /Example
let shutterButton = KYShutterButton(
frame: CGRectMake(20, 20, 100, 100),
shutterType: .Normal,
buttonColor: UIColor.redColor()
action: "didTapButton:",
forControlEvents: .TouchUpInside
/* Custom
shutterButton.arcColor = UIColor.greenColor()
shutterButton.progressColor = UIColor.yellowColor()
func didTapButton(sender: KYShutterButton) {
switch sender.buttonState {
case .Normal:
sender.buttonState = .Recording
case .Recording:
sender.buttonState = .Normal
This code is distributed under the terms and conditions of the MIT license.