laravel api studies

Repo to study and practice some third party APIs using Laravel at the backend and Javascript at the frontend.

About this repo

The original idea is to learn about external REST APIs using Laravel and pure Javascript and i was motivated by a repo with a lot of public APIs. In the frontend Javascript i used the fetch function and in the backend (Laravel) i used the GuzzleHttp package.

Whats Next?

This repo is still in use for studies, check the commits to watch the stuff that i’m learning and coding! Currently i’m looking foward to use Laravel Socialite, OAuth APIs, axios library for JS and some other usefull techs.


  • For the frontend studies you can use /frontend/name_of_the_API
  • For the frontend studies you can use /backend/name_of_the_API
  • For some other features consult the web.php

APIs used

  • IBGE public data
  • Tronald Dump
  • Search CEP by Matheus Castiglioni
  • Postmon
  • Rick and Morty API

Example of consuming third party APIs

Here are some things i made.


The Javascript code at the script tag for getting all the states:

//Using fetch for add the brazilian states on a select input
function getStates() {
    console.log('On getStates')

    const stateSelect = document.querySelector('select[name=state]');

    //Requesting all the states from IBJE
        .then(response => response.json())
        .then(states => {
            for (const state of states) {

                //Adding a option for each state in Brazil
                stateSelect.innerHTML += `<option value="${}">${state.nome}</option>`;


Using the GuzzleHttp package we can consume external APIs very fast and simple:

use GuzzleHttp\Client;

 * Postmon for brazilian CEP fast consulting
Route::get('/cep/{cep}', function ($cep) {

    $client = new Client([
        'base_uri' => ''

    //Or we can use $client->get('cep/'.$cep)
    $response = $client->request('GET', 'cep/'.$cep);

    $body = $response->getBody();
    //Now we have an array
    $cepInfo = json_decode($body, true);

    //Returning fast info at the view
    return $result = 
    'Address: '.$cepInfo['logradouro'].
    ', Neighborhood: '.$cepInfo['bairro'].
    ', City: '.$cepInfo['cidade'].
    ', State: '.$cepInfo['estado_info']['nome'];