A web app for RPI students to manage their course load.


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Lazy Automatic Time Evaluator



LATE is a web app that tracks and automatically distributes your homework/study time based on your calendar while also adapting if you fall off schedule.


  • To provide the user with a clear list of all upcoming assignments and tests.
  • To automatically use free time in a user’s calendar to work on/study for assignments/tests.
  • To remind users to follow the allocated study/work times through means including notifications, text messages, etc.
  • To account for missing scheduled work by reallocating work times

Target Audience
The target audience is college students who use tools such as Google Calendar to track their daily schedules.

Local Setup

Make sure you have NodeJS installed with version >= 11.0.0.

  • Clone the repository
  • Checkout the dev branch with $ git checkout dev
  • $ npm install -g @vue/cli
  • $ npm install
  • Create a .env file based on .env.example in the root folder with the proper configuration environment variables TEAM MEMBERS: Ask Frank for the official .env file

To run the project in development mode, you must run the API server in one terminal and the front end hot-reloading server in another terminal:

  • $ sudo npm run fix-watch (Linux users only, may be required if Vue-cli complains about file watchers)
  • $ npm run frontend to run the hot-reloading Vue server (in one terminal)
  • $ npm run backend to run the API server (in another terminal)
  • Go to url http://localhost:8080 (whatever $ npm run frontend tells you go to) in your browser

Running the Docker Container

Make sure you have Docker installed. WSL users should follow this guide to install Docker on WSL. Note that the Docker container is not recommended for development use.

  • Clone the repository
  • Checkout the dev branch with $ git checkout dev
  • Create a .env file based on .env.example in the root folder with the proper configuration environment variables TEAM MEMBERS: Ask Frank for the official .env file
  • Run LATE with $ ./docker-run --build. Subsequent runs only need the --build flag when there are changes.
  • Go to url http://localhost:3000 in your browser
