Bootstrap a Google App Engine project with Django and other goodies.
h1. This library is no longer supported and probably should not be used. To be honest, we had to move off AppEngine after Google “jacked up the price.”:
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Bootstrap a Google App Engine project with Django and other goodies.
Used by Los Angeles Times websites like “”:, “”:, “”: and “”:
Beware. This software is in beta testing and hasn’t been used much. But don’t let that stop you! Please try it and tell me what sucks.
h2. Features
h2. Requirements
h2. Installation
h3. 01. Create a virtualenv to operate in
I’m going to call this test project ‘hello-appengine’
$ virtualenv --no-site-packages hello-appengine
$ cd hello-appengine
$ . bin/activate
h3. 02. Install the app
$ pip install latimes-appengine-template
h3. 03. Create your project
From the shell, enter:
$ startappengineproject hello-appengine
h3. 04. Fire up the Django runserver
$ cd project
$ python2.5 runserver
The check it out at “http://localhost:8000”:http://localhost:8000. You should see “this”:
h2. If that fails…
I’m trying to get this thing to work via pip, but if that fails you can instead:
And that’ll pretty much do it.