
Elegant Data Manipulation with Lenses

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Elegant Data Manipulation with Lenses






When programming in R there are two fundamental operations we perform on our data.
We view some piece of the data, or we set some piece of the data to a particular
value. These two operations are so fundamental that R comes with many pairs
of view and set functions. A classic example would be names. Names can be
viewed names(x) and set names(x) <- new_names. Lenses are an extension
of the idea of view/set pairs, offering the following advantages:

  • lenses are bidirectional (you can set anything you can view)
  • they are composable (they can be put together to set/view nested data)
  • they reduce code duplication
  • they play well with piping - see R4DS to learn more about piping
  • and they are non-destructive (lenses won’t update your data without your permission)

In this document, we’ll see a few common data manipulation operations and
how they can be improved with lenses.

Simple manipulations

Let’s take the iris data set for example, we want to perform
some manipulations on it.


We’re curious about the value of the 3rd element of the Sepal.Length column.
Using base R we can view it with:


we can update (set) the value by assigning into it:

iris$Sepal.Length[3] <- 100
head(iris, 3)

and we can perform some operation to update it:

iris$Sepal.Length[3] <- log(iris$Sepal.Length[3])

This works well, however, there are some problems.

The first problem comes with having our view and set functions separate.
Composing our operations isn’t easy, particularly when using pipes:

iris %>%
  .$Sepal.Length %>%
  `[<-`(3, 20)

Whoops, that’s not what we wanted. Here we see Sepal.Length with
the third element replaced, but where did the rest of iris go! So
we lose information when we pipe from a view to a set.

R’s set/view pairs also can’t be composed with function

`[<-`(`$`(iris, `Sepal.Length`), 3, 20)

still not what we want. It has the same problem above.

This is a failure of “bidirectionality”, once you’ve chosen to use a
view function, or a set function, you are locked into that direction.

Lack of composability and bidirectionality means that you frequently have
to duplicate your code. For example, if you want to apply an operation to the
third element of “Sepal.Length”, you need to specify the chain of accessors
twice, once in view mode, and once in set mode, making your code messy
and cumbersome:

iris$Sepal.Length[3] <- iris$Sepal.Length[3] * 2
head(iris, 3)

We can fix both of these problems by using lenses.

Using lenses

Lenses give you all the power of R’s view and set functions plus
the advantages noted above. Especially important are the composition
and bidirectionality features. Each lens can be used with the
and set

Let’s revisit the operations we performed above using lenses.

The first thing we will do is construct a lens into the
third element of the Sepal.Length component of a structure:


sepal_length3 <- index("Sepal.Length") %.% index(3)

In the above code we’re creating two lenses, one
into Sepal.Length and another into element 3, using the
function. We’re then composing these two lenses with
producing a new lens into our element of interest.

Note that this lens has no idea we’re going to apply it
to iris. Lenses are constructed without knowing what data they
will be applied to.

Now that we have a lens into the third element of Sepal.Length,
we can examine the appropriate element of the iris dataset with the
view function:

iris %>% view(sepal_length3)

We can update this element with the
set function:

iris %>% set(sepal_length3, 50) %>% head(3)

And we can apply a function to change the data. To
do this we can apply a function
the lens:

iris %>% over(sepal_length3, log) %>% head(3)

Note that we never had to respecify what subpart
we wanted, the lens kept track for us. We saw that
the same lens can be used to both
view and
and that they can be composed easily with

More interesting lenses

Now you have seen the main lens verbs and operations

  1. view:
    see the subpart of an object a lens is focussed on.
  2. set:
    set the subpart to a particular value, then return the
    whole object with the subpart updated.
  3. over:
    apply a function to the subpart, then return the
    whole object with the subpart updated.
  4. %.%:
    compose two lenses to focus on a subpart of a subpart.

Now if all lenses had to offer was more composable indexing of vectors,
you might not be interested in integrating them into your workflows.
But lenses can do a lot more than just pick and set elements in vectors.

For example, this package provides lens-ified version of dplyr::select.
Unlike select,
is bidirectional. This means you can
set the results
of your selection.

let’s select columns between Sepal.Width and Petal.Width and increment them by 10:

iris %>%
     , ~ . + 10
       ) %>%

Not only does select_l
create the appropriate lens for you with dplyr::select style column references,
but over allows us
to declare anonymous functions like in purrr.

At this point I can imagine you saying, all this is very clear, but what good is it,
I have mutate. Well that is a good point. It is hard to beat the convenience
of mutate. However, select_l has an advantage, it can be used on any named

iris %>%
  as.list %>%
  view(select_l(matches("Sepal")) %.%
       index(1) %.%

You can use it with vectors, lists, data.frames, etc.

If select_l isn’t enticing enough, have you ever wanted to set
or modify the results of a filter? This is not super easy to do in the dplyr
universe. But our lensified filter,
filter_l does this
with ease.

Let’s set all “Sepal” columns where the row number is less than three to
zero. And for fun let’s also change the column names to all upper case:


iris %>%
  mutate(row_num = seq_len(n())) %>%
  set(filter_l(row_num < 3) %.%
    , 0) %>%
  over(names_l, toupper) %>%

You can even use mutate over your filter_l

iris %>%
  mutate(row_num = seq_len(n())) %>%
  over(filter_l(row_num < 3)
     , ~ mutate(., Sepal.Length = 0)) %>%

As you can see, lenses can be smoothly integrated into your tidyverse
workflows, as well as your base R workflows. Giving you the powers
of compositionality and bidirectionality to improve your code.

Mapping lenses

Frequently we end up in situations where we want to modify each element
of a nested object. This is especially cumbersome without lenses. Let’s
imagine our data lives inside a larger structure. And additionally that
it isn’t a nice data frame, but a list.

packed_iris <- list(as.list(iris))

packed_iris %>% str(2)

say I want to add 10 to the first element of each column between Sepal.Length and
Petal.Width. Base R I might do something like:

els_of_interest <-
  grep("Sepal|Petal", names(packed_iris[[1]]), value = TRUE)

packed_iris[[1]][1:4] <-
       , function(x){ x[1] <- x[1] + 10; x })

str(packed_iris, 2)

pretty ugly right?

To do this with lenses we can use the map_l function to promote a lens to
apply to each element of a list.

els_l <-
  index(1) %.%
  select_l(Sepal.Length:Petal.Width) %.%

over_map(packed_iris, els_l, ~ . + 10) %>%

Here we use the over_map function to apply a function to each element,
you could equivalently use over with lapply as well. As you can see
setting and applying functions to multiple elements of nested data is
dramatically improved by using lenses.

Polishing your own

You can make a lens from scratch (!) by passing view and set functions to
the lens constructor:

first_l <- lens(view = function(d) d[[1]],
                set  = function(d, x) { d[[1]] <- x; d })

As you can see, the view function must accept an element of data, while the set
function must accept such an element as well as the new value of the subpart,
and return the new data in its entirety - thus achieving composability -
without modifying the original.

In order to avoid unpleasant surprises or inconsistencies for users,
an author of a lens (via lens)
should ensure it obeys the following rules (the “Lenz laws”, here paraphrased
from a Haskell lens tutorial):

  1. View-Set: If you view some data with a lens, and then
    set the data with that value, you get the input data back.
  2. Set-View: If you set a value with a lens,
    then view that value with the same lens, you get back what you put in.
  3. Set-Set: If you set a value into some data with a lens, and
    then set another value with the same lens, it’s the same as only
    doing the second set.

“Lenses” which do not satisfy these properties should be documented accordingly.
By convention, the few such specimens in this library are suffixed by “_il” (“illegal lens”).
See the package reference for more.

How do they work?

As you can see from the lens constructor, knowing how to implement view and set
for a lens turns out to be sufficient to implement the other verbs such as over and

  • most importantly - lens composition (%.%).

In our implementation, lenses are trivial. They simply store the provided
functions. A lens under the hood is a two element list with an
element view and an element set.

History of lens making

There is nothing particularly new about the lenses appearing here.
For a fairly comprehensive (and highly technical) history of lenses, see
links here and
this blog post .

Thanks to Leigh Spencer Noakes, Zsu Lindenmaier, and Lily Qiu for reading
drafts of this document and providing very helpful feedback.