Library Management System MERN

Library Management System built with the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js) stack. It allows librarians and library staff to manage books, borrowers, and borrowing activities efficiently. With a user-friendly interface, this system offers features like book search, borrow, return, and renewal...etc


Library Management System 📚

A web app for managing all the activities of a library like managing members and book transactions, built on MERN Stack

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Index ✏️

Features Of LCMS 🚀

  • Admin Login and Student Login
  • Admin and Student Dashboard
  • Adding Library Members
  • Adding Books with Available Copies
  • Issue and Return Transaction tracking of a Book by the Member
  • Reserving a book for specific dates
  • Showing the Achievements, Event Gallery

Setup 🔥

  • Fork the Repo

  • Clone the repo to your local machine
    git clone <repo-url>

Frontend Setup 🍧

  1. Get into the chatapp directory
    cd frontend

  2. Run yarn to install dependencies

  3. Create a .env file and create variables as mentioned in the .env.example with the values

  4. Run yarn start to start the application

Backend Setup 🍿

  1. Get into backend directory cd backend

  2. Run yarn to install dependencies

  3. Create a MongoDB account and get the MONOGO_URL for connecting the server and the Database

  4. Create a .env file and create variables as mentioned in the .env.example with the values

  5. Run nodemon server.js to start the server [Should have installed nodemon globally]

Technologies 🛠

  • ReactJS[Hooks]
  • NodeJs
  • ExpressJs
  • MongoDB



References 💻

Author 📝

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License 🏆

This repository is licensed under MIT License. Find LICENSE to know more