
LibSBML is a native library for reading, writing and manipulating files and data streams containing the Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML). It offers language bindings for C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, MATLAB, Perl, PHP, Python, R and Ruby.

                         l i b S B M L


The libSBML code for SBML Level 3 accepted packages has been integrated
with the main libSBML trunk of the SVN repository.

The code in the above directory contains the full code for core libSBML
and any accepted L3 packages.


The libSBML code for SBML Level 3 packages that are currently under
development is considered to be β€˜experimental’ code; as it is subject
to change. This code has been integrated with the accepted code into a
branch of the SVN repository.

The code in this branch contains the full code for core libSBML,
any accepted L3 packages and any packages which are under development.

Using libSBML with/without packages

In order to use either the stable or experimental code:

  1. Checkout the appropriate code (one of the paths given above).

  2. Run CMake and enable those packages that you wish to use.
    (Note all packages are disabled by default.)

  3. Build.

The LibSBML Team.

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