LibU is a multiplatform utility library written in C, with APIs for handling memory allocation, networking and URI parsing, string manipulation, debugging, and logging in a very compact way, plus many other miscellaneous tasks


== MaKL is a Prerequisite ==

LibU needs to configure and build.

The following commands should be sufficient to get MaKL installed on any Linux
flavour or Darwin/MacOSX:

$ wget${VERSION}.tar.gz
$ tar zxf makl-${VERSION}.tar.gz && cd makl-${VERSION}
$ sh
$ su
Password: ****

make install

Should your platform be one of Solaris, OpenSolaris, FreeBSD, PC-BSD, OpenBSD,
NetBSD, DragonflyBSD, Minix or Windows (MinGW or Gygwin) take a look at the
INSTALL file in the top-level MaKL sources directory to track down specific
variations on the theme.

== Download ==

Once MaKL is there, you can start downloading the package (always check the
official page for the latest version and related
ChangeLog) and tailor it to your specific needs:

$ wget${VERSION}.tar.gz
$ tar zxf libu-${VERSION}.tar.gz && cd libu-${VERSION}

== Configure ==

E.g. should you need to change the default installation path (i.e. /usr/local),

$ makl-conf --prefix=“/my/install/base/dir”

Debug symbols and warnings from the compiler can be switched on via
–enable_debug and --enable_warns (use --enable_icc_warns instead when
working with the Intel C compiler):

$ makl-conf --enable_debug --enable_warns

Code profiling using gprof(1) can be activated via --enable_profile, and,
more generally, any compiler flag can be passed to the build stage in the
following way:

$ makl-conf --extra-cflags=“-Wformat -Wno-format-extra-args -Wformat-security -Wformat-nonliteral -Wformat=2”

The --extra-xxx=“val” is indeed a powerful mechanism by which any Makefile
variable ‘XXX’ (uppercase!) can be given an additional value ‘val’: (ab)use
it to tweak LDFLAGS, SHLIB_LDFLAGS, etc. as needed. Anyway if in doubt,
or in search for exotic features, type makl-conf -h to display the complete
list of options: it’s likely that what you are trying to achieve is already

By default LibU is compiled as static library, to also enable shared library
build, supply the --enable_shared flag.

== Pick Up What Needs to be Included ==

The default is to build all the modules, but you can disable the
inclusion of specific bits selectively using the following switches:
- --no_hmap: to disable the hmap module
- --no_config: to disable the config module
- --no_net: to disable the net module
- --no_env: to disable the env module
- --no_fs: to disable the fs module
- --no_pwd: to disable the pwd module
- --no_list: to disable the list module
- --no_array: to disable the array module
- --no_ringbuffer: to disable the rb module
- --no_pqueue: to disable the pq module
- --no_json: to disable the json module
- --no_bst: to disable the bst module

Also, some specific features regarding the networking code can be disabled
at configuration:
- --no_ipv6: to disable IPv6 protocol support
- --no_sctp: to disable SCTP protocol support
- --no_unixsock: to disable UNIX IPC support

If you need to enable compatibility with (some, not all) 1.X interfaces,
specify the --compat_1x command line switch.

== Build, Test and Install ==

When you are done with the configure step, you can build LibU bits and
optionally test them:

$ makl
$ makl -C test

And finally install it:

$ su
Password: ****

makl install

== Hello LibU ! ==

You now are ready to play with your first LibU program:

$ cat main.c
#include <u/libu.h>

int facility = LOG_LOCAL0;

int main (void)
u_con(“Hello LibU world !”);
return 0;

Write a Makefile like the following:

$ cat Makefile

PROG = hellolibu
SRCS = main.c

LDADD += /path/to/install/prefix/lib/libu.a
CFLAGS += -I/path/to/install/prefix/include


Then type:

$ makl && ./hellolibu

and enjoy !