
A lightweight, modern and flexible, log4j and futile.logger inspired logging utility for R


logger logger website

Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable
state and is being actively
A Mikata

A lightweight, modern and flexible logging utility for R – heavily
inspired by the futile.logger R package and logging Python module.




The most recent, development version of logger can also be installed
from GitHub:

# install.packages("pak")

Quick example

Setting the log level threshold to something low and logging various
messages in ad-hoc and programmatic ways:

log_info("Script starting up...")
#> INFO [2024-08-15 11:59:27] Script starting up...

pkgs <- available.packages()
log_info("There are {nrow(pkgs)} R packages hosted on CRAN!")
#> INFO [2024-08-15 11:59:28] There are 21131 R packages hosted on CRAN!

for (letter in letters) {
  lpkgs <- sum(grepl(letter, pkgs[, "Package"], ignore.case = TRUE))
    if (lpkgs < 5000) TRACE else DEBUG,
    "{lpkgs} R packages including the {shQuote(letter)} letter"
#> DEBUG [2024-08-15 11:59:28] 10193 R packages including the 'a' letter
#> DEBUG [2024-08-15 11:59:28] 7016 R packages including the 'c' letter
#> DEBUG [2024-08-15 11:59:28] 5751 R packages including the 'd' letter
#> DEBUG [2024-08-15 11:59:28] 10907 R packages including the 'e' letter
#> DEBUG [2024-08-15 11:59:28] 8825 R packages including the 'i' letter
#> DEBUG [2024-08-15 11:59:28] 7059 R packages including the 'l' letter
#> DEBUG [2024-08-15 11:59:28] 7045 R packages including the 'm' letter
#> DEBUG [2024-08-15 11:59:28] 6665 R packages including the 'n' letter
#> DEBUG [2024-08-15 11:59:28] 7863 R packages including the 'o' letter
#> DEBUG [2024-08-15 11:59:28] 6581 R packages including the 'p' letter
#> DEBUG [2024-08-15 11:59:28] 11229 R packages including the 'r' letter
#> DEBUG [2024-08-15 11:59:28] 10296 R packages including the 's' letter
#> DEBUG [2024-08-15 11:59:28] 9531 R packages including the 't' letter

log_warn("There might be many, like {1:2} or more warnings!!!")
#> WARN [2024-08-15 11:59:28] There might be many, like 1 or more warnings!!!
#> WARN [2024-08-15 11:59:28] There might be many, like 2 or more warnings!!!

You can even use a custom log layout to render the log records with
colors, as you can see in layout_glue_colors():

colored log output

But you could set up any custom colors and layout, eg using custom
colors only for the log levels, make it grayscale, include the calling
function or R package namespace with specific colors etc. For more
details, see vignette("write_custom_extensions").

Related work

There are many other logging packages available on CRAN:

  • futile.logger:
    probably the most popular log4j variant (and I’m a big fan)
  • logging: just like
    Python’s logging package
  • lgr: built on top of R6.
  • loggit: capture
    message, warning and stop function messages in a JSON file
  • log4r: log4j-based,
    object-oriented logger
  • rsyslog: logging to
    syslog on ‘POSIX’-compatible operating systems
  • lumberjack:
    provides a special operator to log changes in data

Why use logger? I decided to write the n+1th extensible log4j logger
that fits my liking — and hopefully yours as well — with the aim to:

  • Keep it close to log4j.
  • Respect the modern function/variable naming conventions and general R
    coding style.
  • By default, rely on glue() when it comes to formatting / rendering
    log messages, but keep it flexible if others prefer sprintf()
    (e.g. for performance reasons) or other functions.
  • Support vectorization (eg passing a vector to be logged on multiple
  • Make it easy to extend with new features (e.g. custom layouts, message
    formats and output).
  • Prepare for writing to various services, streams etc
  • Provide support for namespaces, preferably automatically finding and
    creating a custom namespace for all R packages writing log messages,
    each with optionally configurable log level threshold, message and
    output formats.
  • Allow stacking loggers to implement logger hierarchy – even within a
    namespace, so that the very same log call can write all the TRACE
    log messages to the console, while only pushing ERRORs to DataDog
    and eg INFO messages to CloudWatch.
  • Optionally colorize log message based on the log level.
  • Make logging fun!

Welcome to the
Bazaar! If
you already use any of the above packages for logging, you might find
vignette("migration") useful.

Interested in more details?

If you prefer visual content, you can watch the video recording of the
“Getting things logged” talk at RStudio::conf(2020):

Gergely Daroczi presenting “Getting things logged” on using the
 R package at the RStudio conference in