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LoopBack makes it easy to build modern API applications that require complex integrations.

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Continuous Integration Status
Coverage Status
CodeQL Status


LoopBack makes it easy to build modern applications that require complex

  • Fast, small, powerful, extensible core
  • Generate real APIs with a single command
  • Define your data and endpoints with OpenAPI
  • No maintenance of generated code

Status: General Availability

LoopBack 4 GA (General Availability) has been released in October 2018, read
more in the announcement post.

The documentation website is https://loopback.io/doc/en/lb4/.

Learn about the latest and greatest
features and technologies in LoopBack 4
by using it for your next project. Start by having a look at
Getting Started.

Check the API documentation
for all the API usages in each package.

Long Term Support

We don’t provide any LTS version for LoopBack 4 yet. Please join the discussion
in loopback-next#4398
if you are interested in a version that’s less frequently changed.

Version Status Published EOL
LoopBack 4 Current Oct 2018 Apr 2026 (minimum)
LoopBack 3 End-of-Life Dec 2016 Dec 2020
LoopBack 2 End-of-Life Jul 2014 Apr 2019

Please refer to our
Long Term Support Policy
for more details.


Make sure you have the following installed:

Package Version/-s Link Note
Node.js Maintenance LTS (v16)
Active LTS (v18)
Current (v20)
https://nodejs.org/en/about/releases/ The use of the current version for production is not recommended.

You can generate a project with our generator or with the CLI as follows:

npm create loopback
npx -p @loopback/cli lb app

To create your first LoopBack 4 application, see
Getting Started.



See the following resources to get you started:

You can join the team by posting a comment to
issue #110.


If you think you have discovered a new security issue with any LoopBack package,
please do not report it on GitHub. Instead, send an email to
[email protected] with a full description and
steps to reproduce.

See SECURITY.md for more details.


Project Architect

Raymond Feng

Technical Steering Committee

Raymond Feng Diana Lau Mario Estrada Rifa Achrinza Francisco Buceta Samarpan Bhattacharya
raymondfeng dhmlau marioestradarosa achrinza frbuceta samarpanB

Other Project Maintainers

Nora Abdelgadir Matthew Schnee Hage Yaapa
nabdelgadir mschnee hacksparrow
Agnes Lin Madaky Hugo Da Roit
agnes512 madaky yaty
Nico Flaig Denny Bartelt Douglas McConnachie
nflaig derdeka dougal83
Samarpan Bhattacharya Muhammad Aaqil
samarpanB aaqilniz

all contributors.

