:pick: A command line app for interacting with the GreenHub REST API
A command line app for interacting with the GreenHub REST API.
You can learn more about the GreenHub platform at https://greenhubproject.org
Make sure you have Node.js version 6+ installed. Then run the following:
$ npm install --global greenhub-cli
In case you don’t have permissions to install npm packages globally, then add sudo:
$ sudo npm install --global greenhub-cli
$ greenhub --help
Usage: greenhub [options] [command]
GreenHub Lumberjack - A command line app for interacting with the GreenHub REST API.
To learn more about the GreenHub project visit https://greenhubproject.org
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help output usage information
count|c [options] <model> [params...] return total number of records from specified model
docs open online GreenHub documentation
export|e [options] <model> [params...] export a query of specified model to a csv file
list [options] list available models
login [options] login with an user API token key
logout logout any user API credentials
lumberjack|j [options] <model> [params...] flexible query builder
remote [options] display the current GreenHub server URL
status [options] check the status of the server
token [options] display the user API token key
whoami [options] display information about the user
This application was only tested on UNIX-like systems. There is no guarantee that fully supports other systems.
MIT © Hugo Matalonga