
A robust Admin Interface for Ruby on Rails apps



đź›  A robust Admin Interface for Ruby on Rails apps

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Why another Ruby on Rails admin? We wanted an admin that was:

  • Familiar and customizable like Rails scaffolds (less DSL)
  • Supports all the Rails features out of the box (ActionText, ActionMailbox, has_secure_password, etc)
  • Stimulus / Turbolinks / Hotwire ready

Madmin Screenshot
We’re still working on the design!


Add madmin to your application’s Gemfile:

bundle add madmin

Then run the madmin generator:

rails g madmin:install

This will install Madmin and generate resources for each of the models it finds.


Madmin uses Resource classes to add models to the admin area.

Generate a Resource

To generate a resource for a model, you can run:

rails g madmin:resource ActionText::RichText

Avoid N+1 queries

In case of N+1 queries, you can preload the association by overriding the scoped_resource method in the controller:

module Madmin
  class PostsController < Madmin::ResourceController

    def scoped_resources

Configuring Views

The views packaged within the gem are a great starting point, but inevitably people will need to be able to customize those views.

You can use the included generator to create the appropriate view files, which can then be customized.

For example, running the following will copy over all of the views into your application that will be used for every resource:

rails generate madmin:views

The view files that are copied over in this case includes all of the standard Rails action views (index, new, edit, show, and _form), as well as:

  • application.html.erb (layout file)
  • _javascript.html.erb (default JavaScript setup)
  • _navigation.html.erb (renders the navigation/sidebar menu)

As with the other views, you can specifically run the views generator for only the navigation or application layout views:

rails g madmin:views:navigation
 # -> app/views/madmin/_navigation.html.erb

rails g madmin:views:layout  # Note the layout generator includes the layout, javascript, and navigation files.
 # -> app/views/madmin/application.html.erb
 # -> app/views/madmin/_javascript.html.erb
 # -> app/views/madmin/_navigation.html.erb

If you only need to customize specific views, you can restrict which views are copied by the generator:

rails g madmin:views:index
 # -> app/views/madmin/application/index.html.erb

You might want to make some of your model’s attributes visible in some views but invisible in others.
The attribute method in model_resource.rb gives you that flexibility.

 # -> app/madmin/resources/book_resource.rb
class UserResource < Madmin::Resource
  attribute :id, form: false
  attribute :tile
  attribute :subtitle, index: false
  attribute :author
  attribute :genre
  attribute :pages, show: false

You can also scope the copied view(s) to a specific Resource/Model:

rails generate madmin:views:index Book
 # -> app/views/madmin/books/index.html.erb

Custom Fields

You can generate a custom field with:

rails g madmin:field Custom

This will create a CustomField class in app/madmin/fields/custom_field.rb
And the related views:

# -> app/views/madmin/fields/custom_field/_form.html.erb
# -> app/views/madmin/fields/custom_field/_index.html.erb
# -> app/views/madmin/fields/custom_field/_show.html.erb

You can then use this field on our resource:

class PostResource < Madmin::Resource
  attribute :title, field: CustomField


You can use a couple of strategies to authenticate users who are trying to
access your madmin panel: Authentication Docs


You can customize the JavaScript and CSS assets used by Madmin for your application. To learn how
see the Assets Doc

🙏 Contributing

This project uses Standard for formatting Ruby code. Please make sure to run standardrb before submitting pull requests.

đź“ť License

The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.