maglev core

Ruby on Rails website builder



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MaglevCMS is a website builder/CMS that you can integrate into any Ruby on Rails application from version 6 up to version 8.


Check out our MaglevCMS PRO demo to see MaglevCMS in action.
This demo showcases the full capabilities of MaglevCMS, including advanced features available in the PRO version.

Getting started / Documentation

Interested in more power for your Rails SaaS?

If you’re a Rails SaaS owner looking to offer advanced page-building and customization features to your clients, check out MaglevCMS PRO. With MaglevCMS PRO, you get premium tools, enhanced customization options, and dedicated support to take your platform to the next level.
Explore the full potential of MaglevCMS and see how it can transform your SaaS business.


If for some reason you want your Maglev site to exist during your tests, you can use in your setup block.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.