Samples for the Google Maps and Places SDKs for iOS
This repository provides one or more samples demonstrating use of various iOS SDKs in the Google Maps Platform.
This repository contains sample code for use with the
To run the samples, you will need:
The GoogleMaps
and GoogleMaps-Swift
sub-directory contains the sample code that is downloaded
when you run pod try GoogleMaps
. To use this project:
For Objective-C samples:
$ cd GoogleMaps
$ pod install
$ open GoogleMapsDemos.xcworkspace
For Swift (UIKit) samples:
$ cd GoogleMaps-Swift
$ pod install
$ open GoogleMapsSwiftDemos.xcworkspace
Add your API Key to GoogleMapsDemos/SDKDemoAPIKey.h
The GoogleMaps-SwiftUI
sub-directory contains sample code demonstrating how to integrate Google Maps SDK with SwiftUI applications. It provides a modern SwiftUI wrapper around GMSMapView
with a declarative API for common map configurations and interactions. To use this project:
$ cd GoogleMaps-SwiftUI
$ open GoogleMaps-SwiftUI.xcodeproj
This project uses Swift Package Manager and requires the GoogleMaps package. The sample code demonstrates best practices for integrating Google Maps into SwiftUI-based iOS applications.
The GooglePlaces
and GooglePlaces-Swift
sub-directory contains the sample code that is downloaded
when you run pod try GooglePlaces
. To use this project:
$ cd GooglePlaces
$ pod install
$ open GooglePlacesDemos.xcworkspace
For Swift samples:
$ cd GooglePlaces-Swift
$ pod install
$ open GooglePlacesSwiftDemos.xcworkspace
Add your API Key to GooglePlacesDemos/SDKDemoAPIKey.h
The GoogleNavigation
and GoogleNavigation-Swift
sub-directory contains the sample code that is downloaded
when you run pod try GoogleNavigation
. To use this project:
$ cd GoogleNavigation
$ pod install
$ open GoogleNavigationDemos.xcworkspace
For Swift samples:
$ cd GoogleNavigation-Swift
$ pod install
$ open GoogleNavigationSwiftDemos.xcworkspace
Add your API Key to GoogleNavigationDemos/SDKDemoAPIKey.h
This demo application looks to bridge some of the features found in the GooglePlaces and GoogleMaps demo applications as well as utilize some of the ways the two API’s can work together.
Click this link to watch a video demonstration.
pod install
The tutorials
sub-directory contains sample code that accompanies tutorials in the developer
documentation, such as
Adding a Map with a Marker,
and more. Follow the tutorials for a quick guide to using the SDK.
The snippets
sub-directory contains code snippets that can be found in the developer documentation site.
External contributions are not accepted for this repository. See contributing guide for more info.
This sample uses Google Maps Platform services. Use of Google Maps Platform services through this sample is subject to the Google Maps Platform Terms of Service.
This sample is not a Google Maps Platform Core Service. Therefore, the Google Maps Platform Terms of Service (e.g. Technical Support Services, Service Level Agreements, and Deprecation Policy) do not apply to the code in this sample.
This sample is offered via an open source license. It is not governed by the Google Maps Platform Support Technical Support Services Guidelines, the SLA, or the Deprecation Policy. However, any Google Maps Platform services used by the sample remain subject to the Google Maps Platform Terms of Service.
If you find a bug, or have a feature request, please file an issue on GitHub. If you would like to get answers to technical questions from other Google Maps Platform developers, ask through one of our developer community channels. If you’d like to contribute, please check the contributing guide.
If you find a bug or have a feature request related to one of the SDKs, you can file an issue at their respective pages:
You can also discuss these samples on our Discord server.