The vue lib for markdown-it.
The vue lib for markdown-it.
npm install markdown-it-vue
yarn install && yarn dev
internal plugin list:
use options
property to sepcial the options of markdow-it and markdown-it-plugins.
<markdown-it-vue class="md-body" :content="content" :options="options" />
options: {
markdownIt: {
linkify: true
linkAttributes: {
attrs: {
target: '_blank',
rel: 'noopener'
more markdown-it options see
amd default plugins options:
linkAttributes: {
attrs: {
target: '_blank',
rel: 'noopener'
katex: {
throwOnError: false,
errorColor: '#cc0000'
icons: 'font-awesome',
githubToc: {
tocFirstLevel: 2,
tocLastLevel: 3,
tocClassName: 'toc',
anchorLinkSymbol: '',
anchorLinkSpace: false,
anchorClassName: 'anchor',
anchorLinkSymbolClassName: 'octicon octicon-link'
mermaid: {
theme: 'default'
image: {
hAlign: 'left',
viewer: true
it can add your plugin to markdown-it-vue by the use
PR for you lang wich you want.
![image size](https:// =50x50)
![image size](https:// =x50)
![image size](https:// =50x)
use echarts.simple to reduce the bundle size.
markdown-it-vue-light remove the mermaid chart to reduce the bundle size.
for a small bundle size, it better to import the markdown-it-vue-light.
<markdown-it-vue class="md-body" :content="content" />
import MarkdownItVue from 'markdown-it-vue'
import 'markdown-it-vue/dist/markdown-it-vue.css'
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
content: '# your markdown content'
the light model.
<markdown-it-vue-light class="md-body" :content="content" />
import MarkdownItVueLight from 'markdown-it-vue/dist/markdown-it-vue-light.umd.min.js'
import 'markdown-it-vue/dist/markdown-it-vue-light.css'
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
content: '# your markdown content'