mBlock5 webserver extension

mBlock5 Extensions for CyberPi to do HTTP Task

🚀 Extension for CyberPi to do IoT with mBlock5 🚀

mBlock5 Extensions for CyberPi to do IoT Task

Note: if you experienced bugs or error please contact the Makeblock Indonesia

🏎️ mBot2 or CyberPi Extension 🏎️


For the details access this video :

🍎 Swift Playground (macOS) 🍎

How to set up Playgrounds to accept Network Connections

  1. Go to App Settings
  2. Scroll down to Capabilities
  3. Press the Plus (+) button on the top right corner
  4. Scroll down until Network Connections
  5. Enable both Incoming and Outgoing Network Connections
  6. Click Save
  7. Playgrounds is now set up for Network Connections!

For the details access this video :