
A measurement gem for ruby.


Measurements Ruby Gem Gem Version Dependency Status Code Climate

This gem was created to assist in converting cooking measurements when scaling up a recipe.
I was having fun with it so I decided to go a little above and beyond.

Note: This project ended up getting bigger than I had expected and now there are quite a few things that need fixing.
I should have had a plan from the beginning…

Using the Gem

Install it with

gem install measurements

and enjoy.



Usage Examples

Create an Ounce object with a quantity of 3oz

ounce = Measurements.new_unit :ounce, 3

Convert that 3oz object to a Pound object

pound = ounce.convert_to :pound

Convert the current unit by altering the unit itself

ounce.convert_to! :pound

Create an Ounce object with a type of solid. This would be used to make sure when you convert
using the smart convert (not yet implemented) the unit doesn’t get converted to a fluid measurement

ounce = Measurements.new_unit :ounce, 3.5, :solid

Get the list of available units

=> [:ounce, :pound, :teaspoon, :tablespoon, :cup, :pint, :quart, :gallon, :inch, :foot, :yard, :furlong, :chain, :mile, :thou, :league]

Get the list of available types of units. ex: Solid, Fluid or Neutral

=> [:solid, :fluid, :neutral, :base] 

Getting Started with Development

Make sure you have rubygems installed. You can find instructions at

Have bundler installed on your system

gem install bundler

Run bundler to make sure you have all the right gems

bundle install

Generate some docs to browse while I work on getting some tests ready. After running the following command
browse to the doc directory and open the index.html file in your favorite browser.


Right now when I’ve been testing the gem inside irb I’ve been running the ruby line.

$LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__)+"/lib"); require 'measurements'

You should also note that this only works if you launch irb from within the measurements directory.

If you want to be snazy and grab this line to load without using a text editor you can run one of these commands

cat | grep "LOAD_PATH"
type | find "LOAD_PATH"


Copyright © 2012 Casey Stehlik.