A C# .NET Wrapper for the MediaInfo.Native and MediaInfo.dll
A C# .NET Wrapper for the MediaInfo.Native and MediaInfo.dll
Supported frameworks are
Note that you need to build you application/library in x64 or x86, else it will not work.
Based on MP-MediaInfo.
For example see : test\MediaInfo.DotNetWrapper.ConsoleTest
MediaInfo.Native is not included when targeting .Net Standard / Core. Manually include MediaInfo native libaries for your operating system / platform.
Download latest version of DLL for your platform (x64 or x86). Add installation directory to windows PATH environment variable.
Install mediainfo via HomeBrew.
brew install media-info
Download and install official release for your linux distribution. You can also build mediainfo from source. MediaInfo.DotNetWrapper will look for libmediainfo.so in LD_LIBRARY_PATH.