mern authentication

MERN stack authentication boilerplate: password reset, email verification, server sessions, redux, typescript, hooks and docker for dev and prod.


🚀 MERN authentication with email verification, hooks and docker (prod/dev).

capture du 2018-12-16 13-57-42

⚠️ This repository aim to have a fast to use boilerplate. That’s why the screenshot does not reflect anymore the version of the repo.

⭐ The project if it helped you!

🐳 Docker

Boilerplate now is fully usable with docker, it integrate the MongoDB database, the React/Redux frontend and NodeJS/Express backend.

If you do not have docker:

Docker allows to deloy the app in docker containers in one line in the CLI.

Environment variables

You have to set the following environment variables in file (rename server.example.env to

  • SENDGRID_API_KEY, the backend uses Send Grid to send emails, you can register and get a free key on their website: ⚠️ You cannot use the app without a key. Validation links are sent in http not https, you can modified that in server/routes/auth.js if you want to go https in deployment.

  • SESSION_KEY, it is the secret key that is used to compute the hash of sessions. It is important to use a strong key:

  • SENDING_EMAIL, the email address you want to use to send confirmation email to the user.


in the root directory:

docker compose up --build

It supports hot reloading for both the frontend and backend.


Set and files.

Note: is used at runtime and can be defined in docker-compose directly, is used at docker image build time, to do so we define env for the docker-compose parser through --env-file then pass the envs to docker build through arguments.

in the root directory:

docker compose -f --env-file up --build

Frontend app uses an Nginx server to deliver static files.

You may want to use the flag --remove-orphans

💻 Boilerplate

MERN Stack with advanced authentication :

  • Email verification (Token Based) with resend/reset option, Login with forgot password feature.

  • Server side sessions.

  • Docker for development and production with hot reloading.

  • Mongodb.

  • Express.

  • React/Redux based on Create React App.

  • React Hooks.

  • Nodejs.

  • Typescript.

  • Passport-js local.

  • Sendgrid API for emails.

🔒 Security

This repository is scanned with snyk and code scanning from github for vulnerabilities. Do not use this code blindly, audit it first.

ℹ️ How to ?