micro OpenSPIM

µOpenSPIM for Micro-Manager version 2


The OpenSPIM project is a collaboration between multiple
labs to establish an accessible, easily adjustable light sheet microscope


The µOpenSPIM application for Micro Manager is
the primary means to acquire image stacks with the OpenSPIM setups.

Our publication is out

If you find µOpenSPIM useful, please consider citing our publication.

“Time to Upgrade: A New OpenSPIM Guide to Build and Operate Advanced OpenSPIM Configurations”

Johannes Girstmair, HongKee Moon, Charlène Brillard, Robert Haase, Pavel Tomancak

Advanced Biology (2021) doi: 10.1002/adbi.202101182

Where to get the latest development build

This project is built and tested by the ImageJ Jenkins server:


The latest builds including sources and javadoc attachments are available
on that web site, too.

How to build yourself

This project is a regular Maven project, drawing on the
SciJava project. You can import it into your IDE of choice
(such as Eclipse, IntelliJ, Netbeans, etc) or build it from the command-line:

mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="spim.microOpenSPIM"

This builds the µOpenSPIM JFX application which can load µManager 2.0 by pointing the µManager installed location.