
Concurrency and Parallelism Sandbox


Test Status
Demo Status

Miner Mover

This project provides a basic concurrency problem useful for exploring
different multitasking paradigms available in Ruby. Fundamentally, we have a
set of miners and a set of movers. A miner takes some amount of time to
mine ore, which is given to a mover. When a mover has enough ore for a full
batch, the delivery takes some amount of time before more ore can be


A miner is given some depth (e.g. 1 to 100) to mine down to, which will
take an increasing amount of time with depth. More depth provides greater ore
results as well. Ore is gathered at each depth; either a fixed amount or
randomized, based on depth. The amount of time spent mining each level is
independent and may be randomized.


In this case, miners are rewarded by calculating fibonacci(depth), using
classic, inefficient fibonacci.
fibonacci(35) yields around 10M ore, while fibonacci(30) yields under
1M ore.


A mover has a batch size, say 10. As the mover accumulates ore over time,
once the batch size is reached, the mover delivers the ore to the destination.
Larger batches take longer. The delivery time can be randomized.


The time and work spent delivering ore can be simulated three ways,
configured via :work_type

  • :wait - represents waiting on IO; calls sleep(duration)
  • :cpu - busy work; calls fibonacci(30) until duration is reached
  • :instant - useful for testing; returns immediately


You’ll want to use Ruby 3.1+ (CRuby) to make the most of Ractors, Fibers,
and Fiber::Scheduler.

This gem can be used on JRuby and TruffleRuby, but several concurrency options
are not available: process forking, Ractors, and Fiber::Scheduler.
However, their threading performance exceeds CRuby’s as they don’t have a
Global VM Lock (GVL).


Right now, a gem installation only provides the Miner Mover library.
Use the Development process below to access all of the demonstration
scripts showing the different concurrency strategies.

gem install miner_mover

For Ruby 3.1+ on linux, you’ll also want:

gem install fiber_scheduler io-event


git clone https://github.com/rickhull/miner_mover
cd miner_mover
bundle config set --local with development
bundle install

Rake Tasks

Try: rake -T to see available Rake tasks

$ rake -T

rake config           # Run demo/config.rb
rake demo             # Run all demos
rake fiber            # Run demo/fiber.rb
rake fiber_scheduler  # Run demo/fiber_scheduler.rb
rake jvm_demo         # Run JVM compatible demos
rake process_pipe     # Run demo/process_pipe.rb
rake process_socket   # Run demo/process_socket.rb
rake ractor           # Run demo/ractor.rb
rake serial           # Run demo/serial.rb
rake test             # Run tests
rake thread           # Run demo/thread.rb

Try: rake test

Included demonstration scripts can be executed via Rake tasks.
The following order is recommended:

  • rake config
  • rake serial
  • rake fiber
  • rake fiber_scheduler
  • rake thread
  • rake process_pipe
  • rake process_socket

Try each task; there will be about 6 seconds worth of many lines of output
logging. These rake tasks correspond to the scripts within demo/.


Rake tasks take care of LOAD_PATH, so the following is
only necessary when not using rake tasks:

  • Execute scripts and irb sessions from the project root, e.g. ~/miner_mover
  • Use -I lib as a flag to ruby or irb to update LOAD_PATH so that
    require 'miner_mover' will work.
  • This project does not use require_relative

Exploration in irb

$ irb -I lib

irb(main):001:0> require 'miner_mover/worker'
=> true

irb(main):002:0> include MinerMover
=> Object

irb(main):003:0> miner = Miner.new

irb(main):004:0> mover = Mover.new

irb(main):005:0> miner.state

irb(main):006:0> mover.state

irb(main):007:0> miner.mine_ore
=> 7

irb(main):008:0> mover.load_ore 7
=> 7

irb(main):009:0> miner.state

irb(main):010:0> mover.state

Included scripts

These scripts implement a full miner mover simulation using different
multitasking paradigms in Ruby.

See config/example.cfg for configuration.
It will be loaded by default.
Note that serial.rb and fiber.rb have no concurrency and cannot use
multiple miners or movers.

Execute via e.g. ruby -Ilib demo/thread.rb

Concurrency Strategies


One miner, one mover. The miner mines to a depth, then loads the ore.
When the mover has a full batch, the batch is moved while the miner waits.


Without a Fiber Scheduler, this just changes some organizational things.
Again, one miner, one mover. The mover has its own fiber, and the mining
fiber can pass ore to the moving fiber. There is no concurrency, so the
performance is roughly the same as before.

Fiber Scheduler



An array of mining threads and an array of moving threads.
A single shared queue for loading ore from miners to movers.
All threads contend for the same execution lock (GVL).


Moving threads execute in their own ractor.
Mining threads contend against mining threads. Moving threads, likewise.

Processes with pipes

Similar to ractors, but using Process.fork for movers, using a pipe to send
ore from the parent mining process.

Processes with sockets

As above, but with Unix sockets (not network sockets), using any of
In all cases, ore amounts are 4 bytes so the types behave roughly equivalently.


Multitasking here means “the most general sense of performing several tasks
or actions at the same time”. At the same time can mean fast switching
between tasks, or left and right hands operating truly in parallel.


In the broadest sense, two tasks are concurrent if they happen at the
same time
, as above. When I tell Siri to call home while I drive, I perform
these tasks concurrently.


In the strictest sense of parallelism, one executes several identical tasks
using multiple facilities that operate independently and in parallel.
Multiple lanes on a highway offer parallelism for the task of driving from
A to B.

If there is a bucket brigade to put out a fire, all members of the brigade are
operating in parallel. The last brigade member is dousing the fire instead of
handing the bucket to the next member. While this might not meet the most
strict definition of parallelism, it is broadly accepted as parallel. It is
certainly concurrent. Often though, concurrent means merely concurrent,
where there is only one facility switching between tasks rather than multiple
devices operating in parallel.

Multitasking from the perspective of the OS (Linux, Windows, MacOS)

  • A modern OS executes threads within a process
  • Processes are mostly about accounting and containment
    • Organization and safety from other processes and users
  • By default, a process has a single thread of execution
  • A single-threaded process cannot (easily) perform two tasks concurrently
    • Maybe it implements green threads or coroutines?
  • A process can (easily) create additional threads for multitasking
    • Either within this process or via spawning a child process
  • Process spawning implies more overhead than thread creation
    • Threads can only share memory within a process
    • fork() / CoW can provide thread-like efficiency
  • Child processes are managed differently than threads
    • Memory protection
    • OS integration / init system

Multitasking in Ruby

The default Ruby runtime is known as CRuby, named for its implementation in
the C language, also known as MRI (Matz Ruby Interpreter), named for its
creator Yukihiro Matsumoto. Some history:

Before YARV (up to Ruby 1.9):

  • Execute-as-we-interpret
  • Ruby code executes as the main thread of the main process
  • Green threads implemented and scheduled by the runtime (not OS threads)
  • GIL (Global Interpreter Lock) implies threads cannot execute in parallel
  • Occasional concurrency, when a waiting thread is scheduled out in favor of a
    running thread
    • schedule(waiting, running) YES
    • schedule(waiting, waiting) NO
    • schedule(running, running) NO
    • schedule(running, waiting) OH DEAR

YARV (Ruby 1.9 through 3.x):

  • Interpret to bytecode, then execute
  • YARV (Yet Another Ruby VM) is introduced, providing a runtime virtual
    machine for executing bytecode
  • Fiber is introduced for cooperative multitasking, lighter than threads
  • Ruby code executes as the main fiber of the main thread of the main process
  • Ruby threads are implemented as OS threads, scheduled by the OS
  • YARV is single threaded (not threadsafe) thus requring a Global VM Lock (GVL)
    • GVL is more fine grained than GIL
    • Threads explicitly give up the execution lock when waiting (IO, sleep, etc)
  • YARV typically achieves 2-4x concurrency with multiple threads
    • Less concurrency when threads are CPU bound (thus waiting on GVL)
    • More concurrency when threads are IO bound (thus yielding GVL)
    • Less concurrency when not enough threads (GVL is underutilized)
    • More waiting (BAD!) when too many threads (GVL is under contention)
    • Thus, tuning is required, with many pathological cases
    • Thread pools (where most threads are idle) make tuning easier but still
  • As before, processes can be spawned for more more true parallelism
    • typically via fork with Copy-on-write for efficiency
    • management of child process lifecycles can be more difficult than
    • multiprocessing and multithreading can be combined, often with differing
      task shapes
  • Fibers offer even lighter weight concurrency primitives


Fiber.yield(arg) # call within a Fiber to suspend execution and yield a value
Fiber#resume     # tell a Fiber to proceed and return the next yielded value
fiber = Fiber.new do
  Fiber.yield 1

#=> 1

#=> 2

# FiberError: attempt to resume a terminated fiber

Any argument(s) passed to Fiber#resume on its first call (to start the Fiber)
will be passed to the Fiber.new block:

fiber = Fiber.new do |arg1, arg2|
  Fiber.yield arg1

fiber.resume(:x, :y)
#=> :x

#=> :y

YARV with Fiber::Scheduler (Ruby 3.x)

  • Non-blocking fibers are introduced
    • any waits that would cause a fiber to block will cause the fiber to suspend
    • Fiber::Scheduler is introduced to manage non-blocking fibers

Non-blocking Fibers

The concept of non-blocking fiber was introduced in Ruby 3.0. A non-blocking
fiber, when reaching a operation that would normally block the fiber (like
sleep, or wait for another process or I/O) will yield control to other fibers
and allow the scheduler to handle blocking and waking up (resuming) this fiber
when it can proceed.

For a Fiber to behave as non-blocking, it need to be created in Fiber.new
with blocking: false (which is the default), and Fiber.scheduler should be
set with Fiber.set_scheduler. If Fiber.scheduler is not set in the current
thread, blocking and non-blocking fibers’ behavior is identical.

Thus, any fiber without a scheduler is a blocking fiber. If a fiber is created
with blocking: true, it is a blocking fiber. Otherwise, if it has a
scheduler, it is non-blocking.

Fiber scheduling

Fiber.scheduler     # get the current scheduler
Fiber.set_scheduler # set the current scheduler
Fiber.schedule      # perform a given block in a non-blocking manner
Fiber::Scheduler    # scheduler interface


  • Fiber::Scheduler is not an implementation but an interface
  • The implementation is provided by a library / gem / user

YARV with Ractors (Ruby 3.x, experimental)

  • YARV allows multiple threads but locks areas where multiple threads have
    access to the same data
  • Ractors are introduced, with no shared data, requiring messages to be passed
    between Ractors
  • Ruby code executes as the main Fiber of the main Thread of the main Ractor
    of the main Process
  • The default thread within each Ractor has its own OS thread, with as much
    parallelism as the host OS provides
  • Additional threads spawned by a Ractor are normal OS threads but they must
    contend for the Ractor Lock (RL) to execute on YARV


Ractors are an abstraction and a container for threads. Threads within a
Ractor can share memory. Threads must use message passaging to communicate
across Ractors. Also, Ractors hold the execution lock on YARV, so threads
in different Ractors have zero contention.

# get the current Ractor object
r = Ractor.current

# create a new Ractor (block will execute in parallel via thread creation)
Ractor.new(arg1, arg2, etc) { |arg1, arg2, etc|
  # now use arg1 and arg2 from outside
  • Ractors communicate via messages
  • send via outgoing port
  • receive via incoming port (infinite storage, FIFO)
Ractor#send    - puts a message at the incoming port of a Ractor
Ractor.receive - returns a message from the current Ractor's incoming port
Ractor.yield   - current Ractor sends a message on the outgoing port
Ractor#take    - returns the next outgoing message from a Ractor


There are many ways to create a process in Ruby, some more useful than
others. My favorites:

  • Process.fork - when called with a block, the block is only executed in the
    child subprocess
  • Process.spawn - extensive options, nonblocking, call Process.wait(pid)
    to get the result
  • Open3.popen3 - for access to STDIN STDOUT STDERR


  • Pipes
    • IO.pipe (streaming / bytes / unidirectional)
  • Unix sockets
    • UNIXSocket.pair :RAW
    • UNIXSocket.pair :DGRAM (datagram / message / “like UDP”)
    • UNIXSocket.pair :STREAM (streaming / bytes / “like TCP”)