A high-level cross-platform 2D game development API
A high-level game development API for LibGDX inspired by Slick
The main objective of mini2Dx is to provide a beginner-friendly, master-ready framework for rapidly prototyping and building 2D games in Java.
20th April 2019
1.9.0 has been released as another in-between version of the 1.x API and 2.0 API. It is recommended upgrading to 1.9.0 to ease the transition to 2.0 later on. As previous stated, 1.9.x will only receive bug fixes and optimisations going forward. Once 2.0 is released, 1.9.x will be 100% community-driven.
10th November 2018
1.8.0 has been released as an in-between version of the 1.x API and 2.0 API. It is recommended upgrading to 1.8.0 to ease the transition to 2.0 later on. As previous stated, 1.8.x will only receive bug fixes and optimisations going forward. Once 2.0 is released, 1.8.x will be 100% community-driven.
10th June 2018
This is repository will be focused on development of the next generation of mini2Dx - 2.0. For 1.x development, see the mini2Dx Vintage Edition repository. 1.x will receive bug fixes and optimisations during 2.0 development. Once 2.0 is released, 1.x will be 100% community-driven.
The project is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License.
Assets used for UATs are licensed under Creative Commons (Kenney.nl, Alexander Ehlers, Juan Rodriguez)
However, some classes are based on LibGDX’s code and are licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0 per LibGDX’s license. Such classes are placed under com.badlogic.gdx
See the Contributing Page