
The only PHP & MySQL ORM for Continuous Delivery. Using javanile/moldable can eliminate the step of data migrations and schema changes, often manual steps or exceptions to a continuous delivery workflow.


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Moldable is an abstraction layer to manage MySQL database
with improved function to alter-state and manipulate database schema.
Moldable integrates a ORM class for manage persistent objects and adapt database schema

Searcing for contributors 😎

We are looking for contributors (PHP lovers) that are passioned by ORM and Database worlds for:

We guarantee all visibility and thanks for our contributors, many many stars and public reference in all blog posts and articles that talk about javanile/moldable

Install via composer

We recommend installing via composer, to install otherwise you will write a issue.

composer require javanile/moldable

Get Started

How to: Connect to database

// library namespace 
use Javanile\Moldable\Database;

// initialize a database connection object 
$db = new Database([
    'host'     => 'localhost',
    'dbname'   => 'db_marketing',
    'username' => 'root',
    'password' => 'p4ssw0rd',
    'prefix'   => 'prefix_',

// '$db' is ready to use for your manipulation

How to: Create ORM class-model

// library namespace 
use Javanile\Moldable\Storable;

// define ORM class-model
class Customer extends Storable 
    public $id = self::PRIMARY_KEY;
    public $name = '';

// instance empty object
// database tables and fields are automatic generated 
// or updated if change Customer class
$customer = new Customer();

// assign values
$customer->name = 'Franky Franco';

// now object persist on DB

How to: Create schema (update if exists)

// '$db' is pre-connected database object (follow: 'How to: Connect to database')

// apply method send queries to create 
// or align database to defined schema 
    // customer table name
    'Customer' => [		
        // customer fields
        'id'     => $db::PRIMARY_KEY,	// define field as a primary key
        'name'   => '',			// empty string define field as VARCHAR	
        'points' => 0,			// 0 (zero) define field as INT(11)
        'born'   => $db::DATE,		// use to define as date field
        'bio'    => $db::TEXT,		// text for large string and contents
    // products table name
    'Products' => [
        // products fields		
        'id'    => $db::PRIMARY_KEY,	// define field as a primary key
        'name'  => '',			// empty string define field as VARCHAR	
        'price' => .0,			// for float number init field with point-zero ".0"	

Setup for testing

To test the library, follow these steps:

  1. Run a local MySQL database
  2. Copy file phpunit.xml.dist to phpunit.xml
  3. Update phpunit.xml with database connection paramiters
  4. Run ./vendor/bin/phpunit from project directory

Talk about


  • Support to MongoDB for trasparent switch MySQL/MongoDB
  • Manage table to store key-value pair like Setting or Config or MetaField
  • Manage UUID field (large integer or hash string) alternative to PRIMARY_KEY index
  • Flexible join system to extend field of table model on runtime
  • Define encode/decode static method for a sub-set of field
  • Implementig Unit of work pattern
  • Listening For Query Events (gestione hook/event per modelli e query al db)