MovieReview Angular Prod

This Single Page App created using bunch of technologies. I have used ASP.NET MVC 5 as a base framework. With this I have used Web API, Entity Framework Code First Approach, Unit Of Work pattern, Repository Pattern and design techniques like Single Repository Principle, Factory pattern.... Apart from this I have used Angular framework to write the client side of the application. I have also used libraries like toastr, angular.mock, jasmine and projects like chutzpah to setup my client side testing framework and many more out of the box things.



This Single Page App created using bunch of technologies. I have used ASP.NET MVC 5 as a base framework. With this I have used Web API, Entity Framework Code First Approach, Unit Of Work pattern, Repository Pattern and design techniques like Single Repository Principle, Factory pattern… Apart from this I have used Angular framework to write the client side of the application. I have also used libraries like toastr, angular.mock, jasmine and projects like chutzpah to setup my client side testing framework and many more out of the box things.

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