music video

Rails App to import Sofar Sounds music video metadata from an external source and exposes it externally


Sofar Sounds Music Video Search API

This project is to satisfy the requirements outlined in the Sofar Sounds Backend Test
(, which are to import data from an
external file hosted on Amazon and allow it to be searched via an API.

To satisfy these requirements, I have built a Rails app (Rails version 5.2.3,
Ruby version 2.6.1) that exposes a simple index action enabling the searching of music
videos by song name, artist name, and/or city. To add some basic text searching support,
I used the FULL TEXT indexing functionality available within MySQL
( This indexing strategy
would need to be reviewed based on requirements such as expected growth of dataset,
uniqueness/distribution of words across data set, etc.


(On Mac only) Inst all Xcode tools: xcode-select --install

gorails has a great up to date setup guide, which covers a number of the remaining dependencies listed below:

  • Homebrew
  • RVM my preferred tool for ruby version management, but you can also use rbenv.
  • Ruby. This project was developed using one of the more recent stable versions of Ruby: rvm install 2.6.1
  • Bundler which is used to manage gem dependencies: gem install bundler
  • Ruby on Rails.
  • MySQL

Build and Run

  • Clone the repository locally into your preferred directory: git clone
  • cd into project cd music_video
  • install gem dependencies: bundle install
  • Create DB/DB Schema and seed the database with data from S3: bundle exec rake db:create db:migrate db:seed
  • Start the rails server: bin/rails server
  • Test API: curl -v -H "Accept: application/json" "http://localhost:3000/music_videos?song_name=reading&city=LoNdon"


To run rspec test suite run: bundle exec rspec spec/

Project Next Steps

Below are some additional things to focus on in future.

  • Importing
    • After understanding more about the data quality requirements, decide how to handle
      records missing specific metadata. Should it be skipped? Should it be flagged for
      review with external source provider?
    • If number of records increases in future, look into possible improvements such as
      processing/inserting in batches and how to work around potential issue that insertion
      into table with index is slower than adding index later.
    • If requirement to perform continual updates is required, update importer based on
      how updates are reflected in external data source (update in place or new row for each
  • Model
    • Based on knowledge of external dataset, consider making video_uid a unique key to
      support importing.
  • API
    • As usage of API is fleshed out consider releasing new version of API with different
      JSON response format.
    • Find out requirements for exposing records with missing metadata.
    • Expose a show action to support re-fetching of specific records by video_uid.
  • Searching/Indexing
    • Figure out requirements for commonly used words such as ‘the’ as this will likely help inform future indexing strategy/configuration
  • Tests
    • For tests requiring the search functionality, figure out a more elegant way to
      handle the fact that rspec tests run within a transaction and testing searching
      requires transactions to be committed. This appears to be the case for other searching
      solutions such as elastic search. See spec/support/shared_examples.rb for further
    • Figure out preferred directory organization of tests with Team